
40th Anniversary – Biodynamic Book of Moons


June 21, 2023


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The classic introduction to the alchemy of biodynamics

With clarity and insight Dennis Klocek guides the reader through the essential tasks of the gardener’s year in harmony with the subtle rhythms of nature as they manifest in the garden. The Book of Moons is the Rosetta Stone for any gardener seeking to understand the mysteries of the living realm and decode the alchemy of the biodynamic method.

This anniversary version has been created in a 5″by 8″ size to allow the reader to keep it close at hand while in the garden or on the farm.

About the Biodynamic Book of Moons

  • The essential tasks of the gardener’s year unfold in poetry and prose illustrated by original hand-drawings and woodcuts
  • The keys to understanding the biodynamic method are uncovered reuniting the gardener of today with the wisdom of the alchemists
  • A sensitive exploration of the fundamental laws and living activities that inform the natural world 
  • An aid to internalizing the principles at work in the cosmos within the soul of gardener 
  • A classic of biodynamic literature suitable for the newcomer looking for an orientation to this vast subject 
  • Contemplative material for the gardener to deepen their work in the garden and develop their sensitive faculties

What you will discover in this book…

  • How to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs in harmony with the subtle forces and rhythms active in nature
  • How to enter into dialogue and co-creation with the 12 beings of the zodiac as they unfold their activities throughout the cycle of the year
  • An in-depth explanation of the core alchemical concepts of Salt (Sal), Sulphur (Sulf) and Mercury (Merc) and the Aristotelian Four Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire as living activities present throughout nature
  • An intimate portrait of the different plant families and the living processes at play behind their outer forms
  • A sensitive enquiry into the mystery of fertilization as a dynamic relationship between mineral, plant, and animal
  • Meditative mandalas decoding the archetypal patterns active in nature
  • Weather wisdom encoded in poetic verse introduces the reader to the beings active in the climate
  • Poetic verse and illustrations encourage development of the artistic sensibility necessary to harmonize the soul of the reader with the living imaginations manifest in the natural realm

Who is this book for?

  • Biodynamic practitioners both new and old will find the much sought after insights pointing to the origin of the biodynamic method
  • Seasoned gardeners seeking inspiration and contemplative reflection into the deeper mysteries of nature
  • The philosophical in pursuit of a deeper appreciation of the wisdom contained in the alchemical worldview and wisdom traditions of the past
  • Goethean scientists wishing to trace the alchemical roots of the Goethean phenomenological method
  • Every open-minded, open-hearted gardener wishing to develop a golden thumb and experience a more soulful relationship with nature

About the author

Dennis Klocek has been gardening in harmony with the rhythms of nature using the Biodynamic method for 40 years. Rich with depth and potency, The Biodynamic Book of Moons presents the seed of the holistic view of nature developed by Dennis and which continues to inspire the author in his work with the mineral, plant, animal and human realms to this day.

Spend time with the author below as he shares his distilled version of the core principles, gained after practicing these methods for over 40 years.

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