
In the Lab: Creating a Simple Still for Home Distillation/Extraction of Essential Oils

By Dennis Klocek July 11, 2024
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In this detailed tutorial, Dennis demonstrates how to convert a standard four-gallon pressure cooker into an effective essential oil distilling apparatus. (For more on its use, see our video In the Lab: Using a Simple Still for Home Extraction of Essential Oils.) The video covers the conversion process, including creating a custom adapter for the…

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Trust in Life

By Dennis Klocek May 15, 2024
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A great force in the human soul is the capacity to trust. This capacity is abundant in children. It arises out of the tremendous forces of life that pour into the embryo and then into the growing child. At the age of 21 the growth forces that form the life organs have completed their task…

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Heart-Gemuet – Arms of the Heart

By Dennis Klocek May 14, 2024
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If we want to work with the idea of transforming the soul forces, one of the most potent areas for inner work is the region of the heart chakra. It is good to state right away that the heart chakra is not the actual physical heart. The chakra is a little more in the center…

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Conflict and the Examined Life

By Dennis Klocek May 14, 2024
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In ancient times philosophers never considered their own soul life as existing separately from the world. It was widely believed that the personal will of a soul had a weak but perceptible effect on the way that the world unfolded. The weak effect became perceptible only if a soul took up the spiritual practice of…

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Why use oils on the body

By Dennis Klocek May 2, 2024
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Since the most ancient times, the application of fragrant oils to the body has provided a special and harmonizing experience. From the language of anointing in the ancient texts to the current research in essential oils the recognition that a unique dimension is offered to humans in the application of fragrant oils to different areas…

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Gem Spray Lettuce Trial

By Dennis Klocek April 16, 2024
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Dennis presents an experiment involving a spray made of crushed gems and fulvic acid applied to lettuce plants to encourage the formation of heads. The experiment compares the sprayed lettuces to the control group and evaluates the effectiveness of the gem spray in creating balanced and substantial lettuce heads. The results indicate that the gem…

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Technology and Moral Development : A Cautionary Tale

By Dennis Klocek March 26, 2024
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The pursuit of free energy has been a drive in human beings for millennia. The poet Goethe wrote a poem entitled The Sorcerer’s Apprentice [since made into a Disney movie] to describe the issues brought to bear by this innate human drive. In the poem an apprentice to a sorcerer is tasked with drawing water…

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Easter Sunday

By Dennis Klocek March 24, 2024
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On the handout, go to figure 3 on the lower left. That’s an alchemical diagram of the relationship between what’s known as salt and sulfur. This relates to the idea of form and then sublimation. And so the Alchemist had a word for the way in which the invisible became visible. They would look at…

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Holy Saturday

By Dennis Klocek March 24, 2024
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Today I will focus on  Holy Saturday, and then the next session will focus on Easter Sunday, the resurrection. We could put a subtitle to this, which would be The Transformation of the Senses. That in my understanding is the central issue in the Rosicrucian work. The new mysteries are based on the transformation of…

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Last Supper to Good Friday 

By Dennis Klocek March 24, 2024
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Hopefully, the ‘Son of Man’ means more than it did before you came. We are talking about the future human. The one who betrays the future human will not be happy. “It would be better for him that he not be born.” This is about the betrayal of the son of man. Gospel reading: “While…

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