Agricultural Alchemy

Lecture by Dennis Klocek
January 2008, Frey Vineyards, CA
Related to Alchemy and Natural Sciences, Biodynamics, Mineral and Plant Alchemy
Type: Audio, Podcast | Posted Jan 8, 2008
$32.00 - 4 Lectures - 4h 01m

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These lectures address the principles founded by the alchemists that can serve as the basis for a new way of looking at the forces of nature. The mandala of the four elements, the processes of salt, mercury and sulfur and the principles of transformation of the elements are the dynamic backdrop for four lectures on the nature and interaction of minerals, plants and animals as they are encountered in agricultural work on farms and in gardens.

  • Lecture 1
    This lecture is about the alchemical principles of cosmic and earthly forces in minerals and plants. It covers silica, lime, clay and their counterparts of flower, root and leaf in the plant world.
  • Lecture 2
    This lecture addresses the alchemical cross of the minerals. The polarities of the silicic and the calcic in the earth body are explained and specific instances of plant communities and organs that require specific mineral conditions are illustrated.
  • Lecture 3
    This lecture covers the forces of the periphery and center that give rise to the polarities of process and substance in nature. These insights are then applied to the realm of the animals to illustrate the patterns of the organic forces in animals that are present in animal manure.
  • Lecture 4
    This lecture addresses the principles of syzygy in the planetary spheres and how the planetary motions relate to climate systems. Topics include the rhythms of the moon, el nino, and projection of the zodiac onto the surface of the earth.

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Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at soilsoulandspirit.com.

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