Dennis Klocek
Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at
Posts by Dennis Klocek
In 1996 there were several events which allowed a warm plume of water to bring up cool temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific in the area between the dateline and Hawaii. This warming trend started early in 1996 in a very cool ocean and was the seed of the great El nino of 1997-98. Only…
Read MoreThe following is a brief description of the situation which built up warmth in the western Pacific that eventually lead to the 1982/83 el nino. None of the events are depicted in the animation. In December 1979 Jupiter was in western nino 5. During that year there was an unusual warming event in the eastern…
Read MoreFrom December to April any outer planet in nino 5 will be moving in arc in a retrograde motion that is from east to west. This is coincident with the yearly warming period in nino 5. Any outer planet in nino 5 will be moving retrograde from January to May. This is coincident with the…
Read MoreIn order to build a different kind of model for el nino it is useful to describe the ways in which a planet can be seen to be moving across the Pacific ocean. The motions of the outer planets from Mars through Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can be projected onto the Pacific basin.…
Read MoreThe sequence of an enhanced El Nino In January, February and March warmth builds up in the western Pacific. In April cool emerges in nino 5 and the warmth flows into nino 4. In May cold water spreads eastward from nino 5 into western nino 4 as warm water approaches the western border of nino…
Read MoreEl Nino is a yearly rhythmic fluctuation of waters from the western Pacific to the eastern Pacific. Some years it is a strong fluctuation and some years it is a weak fluctuation. The reasons for this patterning are obscure and complex. This site offers one way of looking at el nino which seems to accurately…
Read MoreAngelica research This article was instigated by an initial study done to acclimatize the herb angelica archangelica into California. Angelica is native to high altitudes and high latitudes. In these rather harsh environments the demand made on the harvesting of the plant root has created a concern among plant scientists has put the plant on…
Read MoreThe crux of the Theory U methodologies is found in the bottom of the U in what is sometimes called the deep U. This is the realm of presencing, the place where old beliefs and shadow elements are revealed as impediments to further progress and are abandoned into a soul space where a person tries…
Read MoreDennis Klocek, in conversation with Neil Martinson NM: Dennis, you're the head of Goethean (Consciousness) studies here at Rudolf Steiner College, and I wanted to talk to you about Goethe and Goethean studies. To start things off: I think a lot of existential problems people run into in the world result from doubts about the…
Read MoreI found these two charts worth considering during the annular eclipse today. The one on the right shows the path of totality of the eclipse between Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta in northern California. In the chart on the left that path is traced on a seismic map. The black line is the path of…
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