Dennis Klocek
Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at

Posts by Dennis Klocek
I found these two charts worth considering during the annular eclipse today. The one on the right shows the path of totality of the eclipse between Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta in northern California. In the chart on the left that path is traced on a seismic map. The black line is the path of…
Read MoreThis is the last chapter in “The Harmonies of Storms” Dennis’ PDF eBook on the Music of the spheres; Harmony in climate change. In his widely acclaimed movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore concludes that the climate crisis is in reality a moral crisis. Just what does that mean? How is morality, traditionally a soul…
Read MoreThe picture is an image of stars falling out of the sky as snow and then falling to earth as crystals. From the point of view of alchemy my thinking is creative when it is focused on the cosmic or starry dimension of my life. That is the source of solutions to my issues. Alchemically,…
Read MoreBy the power of the ChristAll curses whether ancient, hidden or repeatedAre found, bound and defeatedAnd must leave me now To be: Revealed by the LightTo be: Absolved by the TruthTo be: Returned to the Source From this time forward!Right now! Forever! So be it!It is so!Let it be done! Thank You Protective mantra from alchemical…
Read MoreThis exercise can help to develop a sense of the continuity of consciousness across the threshold to the next world. It begins with the inner imagination that we are in our bodies looking out at a starry sky. We imagine that our soul is expanding outwards towards the stars. It is expanding in a circle.…
Read MoreThe atmosphere is a river of air flowing above our heads in ceaseless meandering currents and eddies. The patient observer can come to recognize what are known as singularities in the deceptively chaotic flow of this great river of air. A singularity is a pattern that repeats itself in subtle but recognizable sequences. Most often…
Read MoreThis interview by Alexander Rist for the European magazine Das Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland happened just after Hurricane Katrina when there was a renewed interest in climate study. Alexander Rist: When did you start to pay attention to weather phenomena? What was triggering the decision to start your research in this area, what was your…
Read MoreIt has been said that by working the soil it is possible to do in a few years what would take nature thousands of years to accomplish. Intensive soil cultivation and the addition of proper soil amendments can aggregate sandy soil to give it more crumb or open heavy lime marls to give them more…
Read MoreThe use of stone towers in the ancient world went beyond the militaristic function of turrets on castles. In many cultures the stone tower was a kind of induction antenna for cosmic forces. Cosmic forces from the stars were generally held to be the source of fertility in the land. Towers or even upright stones…
Read MoreSilica is the light pole in the minerals. It is a kind of flowering process in the mineral realm since silica in plant growth enhances the refined properties that light brings to plants. Photosynthesis requires light for its action. The light interacts with the flavonoids (phenols and tannins) and anthocyanins (blue and red pigments that…
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