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A transformative workshop series on ritual and consciousness led by Dennis Klocek. In this audio workshop Dennis Klocek presents ritual practices from the past as a foundation for forming contemporary healing rituals based on the medical indications of Rudolf Steiner.
He explores the challenges posed by modern sensory overload and shares strategies to navigate them, cultivating a deeper connection to the soul, healing, and community. Coming from an anthroposophical orientation, Dennis shares how with caution and sobriety, you can use the power of imagery, artistic practice, and sensory engagement as elements of ritual for healing.
From creating anointing salves with essential oils to the invocation of archangels, using storytelling, touch, and sensory engagement, participants will learn to foster trust and connection, tapping into the profound healing potential of human-to-human interaction.
Current concerns in the healthcare industry focus on the impending dangers of antibiotic resistance organisms and on the rapid emergence of spectrum type disorders. The lack of insight into these health issues is spurring a renewed interest in the effectiveness of placebo remedies. In placebos, particular substances, delivery protocols and even the trust in the person giving the remedy come into play. In past times these influences came together in the form of healing ritual.
Topics include, mantra and ceremony, rhythm as healing force, use of symbols, sacred sleep, healing dreams and the art of anointing.
- Laws of ritual, image, word and movement, reading to the dead, precautions
- Universal mass, working with symbols and ritual images
- Word symbol and gesture in anointing ritual, twelve senses in healing work
- Gematria (sacred number) and holy names, sacred sleeping, angelic names, yakim/boaz and piety
- Placebo effects in healing, soul forces in placebo, misuse of belief in propaganda, eros, philia, agape, moral imagination
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Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at soilsoulandspirit.com.
Further Exploration
The Spirit Embryo and the Path of Transformation
Dennis’s series explores the esoteric journey of spiritual transformation through the “spirit embryo,” linking Christian iconography, human physiology, and Rosicrucian teachings to practices that deepen self-awareness, develop spiritual perception, and connect personal growth with cosmic rhythms.
The Heart, Warmth and Karma: Integrating Steiner’s Spiritual Practices into Modern Healing
This series will equip students with a profound understanding of how spiritual insights and meditative practices can elevate modern healthcare. By merging Steiner’s esoteric wisdom with practical healthcare strategies, students will be empowered to cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, creativity, and spiritual knowledge in their approach to healing.
New Adam
Ritual and community on the path to the new human Among humankind today the true nature of soul often goes unseen, pain and suffering goes unheard, the virtuous are deemed mad and evil is celebrated as good. Wise people such as St. John and lately Rudolf Steiner perceived this condition unfolding in the soul of…
Thank you Dennis and Ben yet again for Another Beautiful offering to fill my cup ….so I can practice with more tools and add into my basket of craft and care to help and share with others …..expanding the waters of the unseen into the tangible threads that bind ..
Much Appreciation 🌱💫✨💖
Dear community of ritual, quick question about speaking with the dead. I have some verses from RS to read to the dead, the first MP3 says lecture 1 says not to read out loud? then how can i share these beautiful verses? how do we do this.
Why is it so important to make this connection with the dead?
thank you so much for this offering, i love it.
about picking the being on the other side that I can trust, could it be my angel? or master Jesus, st. francis? etc. an archangel etc.
Hi Rosa,
Thank you for your thoughtful question about connecting with beings who have passed on.
These beings are indeed still accessible through various practices. Through honoring, respecting, and building relationships with them, their wisdom from the other side can help heal and guide your life.
As Dennis mentioned, this work requires conscious consideration due to the presence of dangerous beings on the other side. He provides specific strategies in this series to ensure your rituals remain safe.
Regarding your question about picking an ally: this should be based on your personal connection to them. When opening to that realm, it’s important to feel that the relationship and communications are aligned with your soul.
**Suggested approach:**
Ask for guidance from a higher being (like Master Jesus, Saint Francis, or an archangel) to help facilitate these connections. These named beings cannot deceive you – it’s the unknown beings trying to gain your trust that require caution.
Thank you Ben and Dennis for this insight, I appreciate you very much.
Questions regarding dreams and developing s ymbolic language of these dream images. I keep a log and wanted to start sorting through.
My dreams have different feelings or themes. Any suggestions as to how to pick what to work with out of them?
I have quiet a bit of material to start working with.
So many pictures to work with, any advice on how to begin?
Thank you.