
The Nine Subtle Bodies – Full Course

Lecture by Dennis Klocek
June 2013, Fair Oaks, CA
Related to Body Health, Soul Health
Type: Audio, Podcast | Posted Feb 24, 2011
$128.00 - 16 Lectures - 14h 15m

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This course was given in response to requests from many people to do a survey of the subtle bodies of the human being according to the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. The sixteen presentations are accompanied by exercises designed to evoke the consciousness of the particular body that is being presented in the lecture part of the session. The initial symbolic exercises evolve into an exploration of the laws of projective geometry as an example of the relationship between the physical body and the life body. The exercises then shift to human interaction as the soul with its manifold functions becomes the subject of the presentations. The great karma exercise from Rudolf Steiner then focuses the work on the action of the I being as a doorway to the higher states of manas, buddhi, and atma.

  • Lecture 1
    Contemporary conflicts in consciousness, descent of spirit into matter, human freedom, as above so below, issues of the threshold
  • Lecture 2
    Beings of old Saturn, senses and physical body, nature, minerals, upper Devachan, memory, using symbols
  • Lecture 3
    human form (phantom), physiology of life body, cybernetic consciousness, reciprocation principle in healing
  • Lecture 4
    impulse control (space), planning (time), amygdala influences, archetypes, harmonious 8 exercise, sentient body, temperament, risk / reward
  • Lecture 5
    biology and psychology, drawing circles, construction of parallel lines, sentient body, time and life body, space and astral body
  • Lecture 6
    nerve , blood and gland, projection, new geometries, infinitely distant, collineation drawing
  • Lecture 7
    projective geometry and the principle of order out of random processes, Blasé Pascal, inscribed hexagons, field consciousness
  • Lecture 8
    soul and life body, integration of psychic projections, geometry as analog for enlightenment
  • Lecture 9
    sentient soul and mind soul , feelings memories and thoughts , degenerate hexagon process, enlightenment symbol
  • Lecture 10
    Summary “I”, soul, life body, physical, abstract thinking, morphological thinking, pure thinking
  • Lecture 11
    great paradox of “I”, individuation, sleep/wake/death, initiation, subtle body configurations
  • Lecture 12
    consciousness soul, theory of mind, literal mindedness, menu consciousness, Rembrandt portrait exercise
  • Lecture 13
    Astral body transformed into manas, image and symbol, Winslow Homer
  • Lecture 14
    sensation and memory, higher sense organs, silence and the “I”, Cain and Abel
  • Lecture 15
    organs of spiritual perception, buddhi and listening consciousness, boiling a sentence
  • Lecture 16
    atma, trust in surrender, great karma exercise, creatively exploring will, feeling and thinking of another


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Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at

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