Student Hub – New Adam Course

Dear New Adam Course Attendees,

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  1. m mueller on June 28, 2024 at 7:13 pm

    Hi y’all,

    Ben & Dennis, when did the water join the process for the first time and did you take great care in thinking about about that water, or really using it as a lubricant and universal solvent? Thanks! –Georgie Donovan (who is loving the course and taking it with her husband M Mueller here in Zionville, North Carolina this week).

  2. kinterra on June 28, 2024 at 7:27 pm

    I am overjoyed to learn about the intricacy and interconnectedness of the ‘world mineral plant’ formative forces and the miraculous healing potential when the divine, the human, and nature are brought into alchemical relationship. As much as I would like to have the opportunity to create colloidal gels, obtaining the equipment and materials is rather daunting. But thinking in the processes of nature as Dennis describes them seems like a healing force in itself.

  3. kinterra on June 29, 2024 at 4:46 am

    What are the differences and or similarities between analyzing and using essential oils according to their active components as is currently prescribed and applying them according to their FORMATIVE processes?
    for example: sweet marjoram is recommended as a therapy for nerve repair according to its chemical properties. Do the chemical components reflect the formative process, and so these perspectives typically align or are they vastly different?

  4. Krista Bieniek on June 29, 2024 at 6:59 am

    This is a great question! I have been wondering this too in relation to the gems.

  5. m mueller on July 4, 2024 at 6:39 am

    Regarding the ritual aspect of our work… Dennis Spoke about an activity that occurred within the context of the Whitsun (Pentecost) festival he attended recently. In the activity, a group of parables was offered to the participants, who then formed partnerships with another person who was drawn to the same parable. Each then described their relationship to the parable, and then discussed things together. In Dennis’ case it was with someone he did not know prior to this meeting. An instant, meaningful, reciprocal bond was formed between strangers.

    This morning I was reading Steiner’s lecture from exactly 100 years ago on karma and reincarnation. Here’s what he said:

    “The individual man experiences his destiny. But as soon as two human beings are working together, something more arises,—more than the working out of the individual destinies of the one and of the other. Something takes place as between the two, transcending the individual experiences of either. Ordinary consciousness perceives no connection of what happens between man and man, with what goes on in the spiritual worlds above. For ordinary consciousness the connection is at most established when sacred spiritual actions are brought into this physical world of sense,—as when in sacred cult or ritual men consciously transform their physical actions so as to make them actions of the spiritual world at the same time.

    But in a far wider sphere, all that happens between man and man is more than what the individual man experiences as his destiny. All that is not merely the destiny of individual men, but that is brought about by the feeling-together and working-together of men on earth, is for ever in connection with the deeds of Seraphim and Cherubim and Thrones above. Into the latter there flow the deeds of men in their mutual connection with one another, as well as the individual earthly lives of men.” R Steiner 4 July 1924

    The ritual act of sharing with another human, the ritual act of working with gems and and their alchemically related plants, the ritual act of anointing the other in a spirit of Good Will, all these reach into the highest spheres of the heavenly beings.

    These seem to me to be most powerful aspects of meaningful ritual.

  6. Rubeena on July 22, 2024 at 12:14 pm

    Hi Ben,

    Living in Canada – the tumblers etc are US products. Wuuld this work as more inexpensive vibratory tumbler?

    Thank you,


  7. Sandy Musclow on July 23, 2024 at 9:52 am

    WOW! I have the same question and also in Canada.
    I have a Lortone for the first round but the vibratory tumblers, not sure what to get!!

  8. davina muse on August 26, 2024 at 3:46 am

    Hello dear fellow participants in this extraordinary work!
    I am curious if any one else is attending the class who is in UK? If so, is there any interest in connecting and perhaps somehow sharing the investment in these machines?
    Davina Muse. I recently moved from W. Massachusetts to Stroud in my native land.UK

  9. davina muse on August 31, 2024 at 3:05 am

    Wondering where I can find the Zoom link for today’s Q and A?

  10. danoakcollett on August 31, 2024 at 4:16 am

    Hi Davina, Nice to hear from you. I hope things are goin well for you with your new move!
    After you have logged in
    The Q&A link is at the top pf the course page under the heading “Participant Links”

  11. kinterra on September 25, 2024 at 11:28 am

    Greetings Friends. I have two practical questions. One is about the degree of fineness of the rock powder. Photo attached if someone could please comment.
    My second question is where can I purchase the products to make the gel? Is it possible to post links? I need to know asap as I am only the US for the next two weeks and would like to purchase them while I’m here.
    Thanks for your help!
    the US

    • Ben Klocek on September 26, 2024 at 11:05 am

      Hi Cheryl,

      The rock powder looks like it still needs some work. One way you can test is to put it in a small clear jar with some water. Let it settle for a day, then siphon off the water above the visible powder at the bottom of the jar. Then evaporate the water you siphoned off, by pouring it into a flat tray and setting it in a hot place. The powder left in the bottom of the tray after evaporation is about the right size. You can then continue to grind or tumble the remainder to get more of the fines. Note: It’s really small particles we’re after, think confectioners sugar.

      As for the ingredients of the gel, there is a list with example products on the New Adam lecture page under Q&A 1:

  12. davina muse on September 26, 2024 at 12:05 am

    1. I see – with astonished gratitude!- the importance and value of doing this work in dyads and very small groups as the consciousness soul continues to develop.
    Reading this article
    leads me to be wondering if there might be a “macro”application for this work to help heal and enLIVEn our wounded, stressed-out, maxed-out Gaia at world-chakra points?
    2. Agarwood/Oudh. I wonder if anyone else is working with this essential oil? The tree only produces – as a “salutary defence”- the aromatic healing oil-producing resin when it has been wounded by an infestation of beetles. This infestation leaves the large evergreen tree’s heartwood vulnerable to a particular fungus mold, which causes the originally soft pale wood to harden, densify and darken into the precious agarwood that carries the oil. Trees are now deliberately wounded (by poachers in the wild, and farmers in cultivation) to cater to global demand for perfumery. Agarwood is the most expensive wood in the world. Even ordering from India it is difficult to be sure of the truth and purity of the oil. My meditation with the oil so far seems to indicate it may be indeed a “last defence”, an archetypal wounded healer, a remedy for what is broken; and a counter-influence to the artificial – a support for integrity. I am curious if Dennis can identify a gem that would pair with this oil?

  13. Daniel Collett on September 27, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    The idea of individuals as guides for community ceremonies was brought. What is living in the groups or colleagues forms the basis for the focus of stories chosen. Festival life can be a rhythmical massage of the social life where the spiritual world is honored, Naturally, new social forms will want to arise alongside such developments. The question living in me has to do with threefolding business models which are aligned with the nature of the work

    Normally we would charge for our work. Is the ceremony described meant to be a freewill offering? Maybe speak a little about the importance of gift economy and the rosicrutian viewpoint on healing work as a business. What is appropriate for the times in which we are living? Thank you!

  14. Ana-Luz Camacho Anderson on September 27, 2024 at 9:54 pm

    Hello dear fellow participants,
    I just wanted to share with you that I live in Australia and for that reason I have not been able to join the question and answer last 2 sessions as for me they start at 1 am and finish at 3 am and although I tried to stay up at the beginning, I just got too tired to take it all in. And that is also the reason why I have not had the opportunity to participate in the group meetings. So, please accept my apologies!

    I am very keen to be part of the group and of the sharing of materials or ideas despite of the distance. So, can you please keep me updated?
    At this stage I am intending to buy the essential oils and the materials to make the gel but at present I cannot buy the tumblers or the rocks and therefore I would like to see if I can get the rock powder send to me for by post. I am happy to pay for it and for the postage. Also, I have just done a donation towards the gem group as this is at the moment the only way I can contribute with the work.

    Warm wishes, Ana Luz

  15. Ana-Luz Camacho Anderson on September 28, 2024 at 1:24 am

    In session 10 Dennis speaks about healers in Central and South America that used tagetes lucida accompanied by ritual and storytelling to evoke healing dreams to help them reintegrate from a shock or ‘susto’ situation and that reintegration would mean the person connecting with the benefits or ‘gifts’ that the situation that generated shock gave them. He also speaks about how one can use tagetes lucida oil plus corundum in the gel or sav to anoint oneself for the purpose of the person to re-habituate with change in her/his glial firing pattern from stress and that in that way the person can retrain the glia by changing the way the person dreams…

    Can Dennis please expand on what he means by changing the way one dreams?

    Later Dennis then connected this to “incubation’ or sacred incubation… and how this process of incubation in the past concluded with a God sending the person being treated a healing dream.

    How would this healing dream look like?

    Dennis also speaks how when a person is shocked out it can either reconnect with unconscious ‘memories’ or events of the past that are in this situation magnified or the person
    can become vulnerable to bad beings that hang around hospitals and places….

    Can Dennis please expand on: the fact that people that have been shocked out can be vulnerable to bad beings? and also, how can one protect oneself from these beings?

    Thanks for all the great work!
    Ana Luz

  16. Daniel Collett on September 28, 2024 at 7:14 am

    If three drops of lavender oil in a capsule taken internally mimics Diazepine. Could a hydrosol of that particular species of lavender also be used?

  17. kinterra on September 28, 2024 at 7:36 am

    Greetings All,
    I also would like to contribute to the gem project and receive the gem powder as I currently do not have access to those materials.
    Has anyone purchased tagetes lucida essential oil?
    Thank you,

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