New Adam

Lecture by Dennis Klocek
June 2024, Zoom
Related to Alchemy and Natural Sciences, Biodynamics, Mineral and Plant Alchemy
Type: Video | Posted Jun 17, 2024

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Ritual and community on the path to the new human

Among humankind today the true nature of soul often goes unseen, pain and suffering goes unheard, the virtuous are deemed mad and evil is celebrated as good.

Wise people such as St. John and lately Rudolf Steiner perceived this condition unfolding in the soul of humankind as well as the soul’s eventual redemption and perfection through love.

When we ‘awaken in the other’ through compassion and humility, the soul of the other lies before us like an open book and we lay our own soul bare in the process. In this condition there can be no lies and the wisdom of the heart prevails.

The spiritual community that emerges when two or more come together in this way is known as The New Jerusalem and each individual member the New Adam.

The New Adam Course presents a social context for the creation of healing salves and their use in ritual anointing and sacred touch for communities and families with the earnest desire to ‘awaken in the other.’

Through community collaboration, the collective skills required for preparing extremely fine micro gem grinds, extracting plant essential oils and creating the New Adam healing salve can be undertaken.

The final salve contains 12 gems of The New Jerusalem and corresponding synergetic plant essential oils corresponding to each gem.

When ritually anointed on the chakras with healing intention The New Adam Preparation offers a powerful spiritual and scientific solution for realising healing and wholeness in both our communities and our personal lives.

Course Structure

  • 5 Sessions each with several lessons and a Q&A
  • Lessons are pre-recorded so you can pause and replay (45 minutes – 1.5 hours each)
  • 2 hour Q&A the Saturday following the lesson release

Lesson One – Introduction

The introductory lesson explores fundamental concepts of alchemy, touching upon historical and mystical perspectives on the Earth, cosmos, and human body. Key themes include the relationship between physical and spiritual bodies, the symbolic significance of Adam and Eve, cosmic and alchemical processes, and the unification of soul and matter. Emphasis is placed on community building through shared biographical stories and practices involving gems and oils to create a body of light and foster deeper human connections.


Lesson Two – Smallest Entities

This lesson explains the creation of an anointing gel used to influence chakras with extremely fine gem particles. It delves into the scientific phenomenon where smaller objects have a greater surface area relative to their mass, enhancing their interaction capabilities at the molecular level. The process involves several stages of grinding gems into ultra-fine particles and combining them with fulvic acid to increase their efficacy. These fine particles can influence cellular nutrition and plant growth when exposed to light. In anointing gels, they interact with skin and blood pigments to transfer the gems’ stabilizing properties, aiming to enhance the body’s natural processes.


Lesson Three – Colloid Creation

Discusses the combination of essential oils and gem powders. To prevent the gems from settling, a colloid must be created. This process is linked to Rudolf Steiner’s concept of the World Mineral Plant, which connects plant and mineral life. Colloid formation leads to the creation of humus, a living mineral gel crucial for plant life.


Q&A One – Lessons 1-3

This session covers the importance of intent, the soul’s connection to nature, and the transformative power of alchemical practices.

Those present joined breakout rooms for focused discussions on different preparation aspects, fostering community and collaborative learning.


Equipment List

Essential Oil Distilling

The distilling apparatus can be made following the video and parts list here: https://soilsoulandspirit.com/making-essential-oil-still

Gem Grinding

  • Rotary tumbler with 4 Lb. barrel (example)
  • Vibratory tumbler with dial speed control (example)


Lesson Four: Quartz – Algae analogs; Gel Lab


In this session, we delve into the intriguing analogies between quartz and blue-green algae and explore the process of creating a specialized anointing gel. Dennis explains how the formation of quartz crystals is similar to the biological processes in algae, touching on the concepts of subduction zones, hydrothermal flow, and twinning.

We also get a step-by-step guide on how to prepare the gel using ingredients like blue-green algae powder (agar), fulvic acid, finely ground gems, essential oils, and lecithin to create a balanced and effective medium for socially connecting practices.


Lesson Five: Chalcedony – Frankincense analogs; Crystal Forms Lab; Fix and Flux


This lesson focuses on the fascinating world of chalcedony and its relationship with the essential oil frankincense. Dennis explores how gem formations and crystal structures relate to biological processes.

The lesson also covers the alchemical processes of fixing and fluxing and their applications in plant and human healing with a special tutorial on these dynamics in minerals and plants, illustrated with examples of chalcedony, opal, and rose quartz.


Lesson Six: Opal/Potch – Lemon Balm analogs; Lemon Balm Lab; Distillation


Discover the unique relationship between opal, a gem known for its close-packed structure, and lemon balm, a member of the mint family with remarkable healing properties. Dennis also demonstrates the essential oil distilling apparatus and the step-by-step process of extracting the precious oil from lemon balm.


Q&A Two – Lessons 4-6

We start with questions about distillation equipment, specifically the benefits of using a four-gallon stainless steel boiling flask over smaller counterparts, as well as the importance of ‘shocking’ herbs to enhance essential oil yield. Dennis shares the value of using a dyadic approach to community healing, emphasizing autonomy, connectedness, and competence as foundations for resolving childhood fixations and contemporary polarizations. The session concludes with a discussion on group dynamics and the roles of alchemists, priests, and participants in ceremonies.


Lesson Seven: Agate/Chalcedony – Citrus analogs; Citrus Petigrain Lab


Lesson seven delves into the molecular interactions involved in gem formation, the role of organic acids, specifically ascorbic acid, and the impact of reactive metals like potassium and calcium. The tutorial includes an exploration of Petitgrain essential oil from citrus and explains the transdermal effects of citrus oils. The session also discusses the analog relationship between gem and plant therapies in treating conditions like epilepsy. The closing segment touches on integrating ceremonies and rituals within communities, emphasizing the harmonizing effects of gem, plant pairings, and biographical storytelling.


Circle of Friends Imagination – Audio Lecture


Lesson Eight: Amethyst – Marjoram analogs; Breaking Rocks Lab


This lesson explores the formation of amethyst crystals, their unique qualities, and their spiritual significance according to Rudolf Steiner. It then delves into the medicinal properties of sweet marjoram and its role in regulating various bodily systems. Together they can create balance and health, connecting peripheral systems of the body to the soul. Dennis also touches on themes of social polarization, anxiety, despair, and devotion, illustrated through real-life examples. Finally in the lab segment, grinding gemstones and the different forms of minerals in granite illustrates the relevance of light and its interaction with minerals in therapeutic applications.


Lesson Nine: Jasper/Chalcedony – Pine analogs; Pharmacy then Harmony


This lesson looks at the roles of Jasper and Pine in sensory integration and their implications for consciousness. We cover the geological formation of Jasper and its therapeutic use, the evolutionary significance of Pine, and how both relate to themes of separation and abandonment. Then the limbic system’s fear response, how pharmaceuticals affect sensory integration, and the potential of essential oils in harmonizing the body’s sensory processes.


Q&A Three – Lessons 7-9

This session includes selecting stories for community ceremonies, the symbolic roles of hunter and planter societies, techniques for preparing gem powders and oils, and the esoteric significance of intent in rituals. Participants share their experiences and strategies in different breakout groups focused on gems, plants, gel-making, and ceremony planning.


Lesson Ten: Emerald/Beryl – Helichrysum analogs; Soul to Soul


Discover how these analogs can represent the journey of wounds and healing within community settings. The discussion includes insights into Carl Jung’s ‘child as hero’ concept and the role of mythology in understanding life wounds.


Lesson Eleven: Garnet – Myrrh analogs; Soul to Soul


Dennis explores the biochemical and spiritual impacts of myrrh on the body and the formation processes of garnet. The session also covers incorporating these elements into community ceremonies and the importance of involving community members in story selection and planning.


Lesson Twelve: Ruby/Corundum – Tagetes Lucida analogs; Soul to Soul


This lesson covers the symbolic and therapeutic uses of rubies and Tagetes Lucida essential oil in mitigating anxiety and PTSD. It outlines the geological formation of rubies, their symbolic representation of childhood trauma, and the calming effects of Tagetes Lucida on the nervous system. The lesson also touches on the benefits of aromatherapy with Tagetes and personal rituals for “praying-up” before ceremonial work.


Q&A Four – Lessons 10-12

We’re transitioning from manual and labor-intensive Work towards a deeper focus on Study within alchemical practices. Dennis answers specific questions and shares insights on the importance of geological study in understanding the properties of gems and plants. He elaborates on ancient incubation practices for gaining insight through dreams. The discussion extends to the therapeutic use of essential oils and other natural remedies to complement pharmaceuticals, focusing on healing mental health issues. The session wraps up by addressing the importance of maintaining a gift economy in healing work.


Lesson Thirteen: Rose quartz – Rose analogs


This lesson highlights the therapeutic and symbolic uses of Rose Quartz and Rose Oil in community rituals and emotional healing. Dennis shares the historical significance and physiological benefits of these two analogs, emphasizing their roles in reducing stress and anxiety. He also describes the community gathering involving sharing parables and personal stories, fostering emotional connections and empathy.


Lesson Fourteen: Tourmaline – Spikenard analogs


This lesson explores the historical use of nard by Mary Magdalene, the therapeutic benefits of spikenard and tourmaline, and the transformational practice of metanoia. He shares about the significance of anointing rituals aimed at enhancing clarity, communication, and courage. He also addresses the selection/replacement of plants in the pairings with locally sourced herbs.


Lesson Fifteen: Heliotrope – Lavender analogs


This lesson integrates insights from neurology, sensory practices, and healing rituals. Dennis describes the neurological impact of lavender on memory, the role of sensory integration in metanoia (turning the soul), and the cognitive effects of anesthesia. The lesson highlights the value of anointing, ancient healing ceremonies and their modern relevance.


Q&A Five – Lessons 13-15

This is the final Q&A session of the New Adam course, examining health, mortality, and the power of imagination. Dennis highlights the value of cultivating Sophianic wisdom and engaging in small, consistent rituals, such as anointing with oils and speaking wishes, to transform human connection. He shares the symbolic and therapeutic effects of anointing specific body points, drawing from Rudolf Steiner and Carl Jung’s insights on human destiny. Topics also include overcoming DIY challenges with making the still, and ways to conduct collaborative gem and plant research. Some hints about future courses are also shared.


BONUS Soul Course Series Two – Part 4: Soul and Myth

This is the lesson on stories from the Soul Course. For the full course, see here.



  1. Donna Basich on June 25, 2024 at 10:24 am

    Question: Are ground gem-particles small enough to go beyond the blood brain barrier as do essential oils? ( unable to attend Q&A for lesson one)

    • Ben Klocek on June 26, 2024 at 1:35 pm

      When the gems are applied topically, they pretty much stay in place. The goal is to allow the light to pass through them into the blood. Dennis said that the gems in the blood could cause issues, so he only uses them on the skin.

  2. blythefairjsj on June 25, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    Session 1 is comprised of Lessons 1,2 &3, released 6/25, & are for the Q&A Sat 6/29?

    • Ben Klocek on June 26, 2024 at 9:19 am

      Yes, that’s exactly it.

  3. Rosa Alvarez on July 15, 2024 at 7:38 am

    When you say about living in a post apocalyptic era what do you mean? there are people talking about an apocalypse coming, are you speaking about post pandemic? I missed Q&A part one.

    I am going on 3 yrs. living here in Savannah and I am finally starting to meet people with whom I may be able to do this work with, the potentials are there but for now I am doing this alone :) and with you virtually. I hope to share this with people around me in due time.

  4. Barbara MV Scott on July 24, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    Wondering Ben where the side bar is with the references to books. Thank you Grateful to you both and all those who have gone before with this precious work.

    • Ben Klocek on July 26, 2024 at 12:40 pm

      It’s up under the photo of Dennis at the top of the page.

  5. rubeena.sandhu on July 28, 2024 at 10:22 am

    Hi New Adam Friends!

    Even after the Q & A, I am feeling a bit lost regarding the “order” of grinding the “rocks” and making the gel processes. Does anyone have their notes organized in such as way that the “recipes” can be shared with all of us?

    Hope I am making sense – Ben, perhaps you have something like this as a resource?



    • Ben Klocek on October 26, 2024 at 11:27 am

      Hi Rubeena,

      I’ve added a step by step guide to the handouts. It can be found at the top of the page under Participant Links.

  6. Rosa Alvarez on August 31, 2024 at 7:33 am

    Hello friends, I am unable to sit in live with Q&A today. Can the people in my group ceremony please fill me in via email or phone call as well is good, I appreciate you 🙂. Thank you Ben and Dennis for all your work 🙏.

  7. Sayo Iseri on October 17, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    Hi Ben and Dennis,
    Last Q&A, Ben mentioned Dennis’s “Sacred Agriculture” book will help understand this New Adam course. I had this book for a while but it looks very specializes so I have not been tried. Now I am reading and it is very helpful. I am reading middle of Transformation of Substances.
    Thank you so much.
    Sayo Iseri

    • Ben Klocek on October 24, 2024 at 9:13 am

      Hi Sayo,

      I’m so glad that you took that recommendation! I have personally gotten so much from that book. It really is an amazing resource for any phenomenologist, whether you’re into biodynamics or not. Just if you want to understand the becomings of the natural world, it’s an incredible help for that.


  8. Rosa Alvarez on October 26, 2024 at 7:58 am

    Good morning friends, sorry I can’t make it today. Here’s a question: how do you get these images of the becoming of rue for example, the cross section as shown in the video # 7 of rue and agate relationships. Is that the bud of rue? Or the fruit? And how did uou get that image movement?
    I have cultivated rue since 2022 and made a tincture. I am interested in sites and links where I can search for minerals becoming or plants
    becoming etc. I am trying to form this movements of pics in my thoughts. I didn’t sow rue seeds but I bought it small and I cultivate through cuttings. I also have the sacred agriculture book and read it in 2013, is there any chapter In particular that helps with forming phenomenological pictures? Thank you for your work, what a blessing we have 🙂

    • Ben Klocek on October 26, 2024 at 11:11 am

      Hi Rosa,

      Thanks for your question about understanding “becomings”. Here’s where to focus your study:

      Start with Chapter 2 (Transformation of Substances), particularly Section 1 beginning on page 21. Then review Chapters 6 and 7, where Dennis explores silica and valerian, showing the development of a living picture for those two.

      To develop your understanding, try asking yourself these questions:
      – What facts do you know about the plant?
      – How does it relate to other things?
      – What elements impact its growth?
      – How does it appear at different stages (seed, sprout, leaves, flowers)?

      The key is to mentally visualize the transitions:
      – Can you picture the progression from seed to first leaf?
      – Can you visualize the flower formation?
      – How does the seed head develop and protect the seed?

      Once you have these individual pictures, try to sequence them and animate the entire growth process in your mind, from seed to flower, examining each stage along the way. Then you can take this into sleep as a mental movie that you run backwards and forwards, then dissolve into empty mind. Insights will start to arrive as your digging deeper into the becoming of the plant that will prompt better questions. Work those questions into your movie and take it into sleep again. Repeat.


  9. Rosa Alvarez on October 27, 2024 at 11:39 am

    I was just finishing up watching the last Q&A, so inspiring and supportive. Thank you Dennis for sharing about issues coming with age, I feel you and I am turning only 52 next week thinking of my daughter who is 26 and when she has children what type of a world am I creating for our younger generations, and about my mortality.

    I am enthusiastic about sharing this with my partner he is so open to the little rituals and ceremonies i have shared with him.

    For those of you I go by Lila but my full name is Rosalilian, so no one is confused with who is Rosa? or who is Lila? ;)

    The story of ” un pastel de limon” has three components to it, 1. a beautiful visit to Chile with a soul
    sister who lives there, who baked a delicious cake from scratch in her warm home and warm heart in 2003.
    2. in 2015 making my first visit to Rudolf Steiner college for considering coming in the next of fall 2016 for a yr. in the biodynamic garden at Raphael Garden. I had lived in the north Ontario Canada, and Michigan since I was 14, a very abrupt change from tropical to cold!!!!!

    The meijer lemon tree reconnected me to the wound I had experienced as a 14 yr. old having to leave El Salvador in 1986 because of war, we had very prolific lemon trees in El Salv. I played house under one of them.

    3. Cakes to us growing up were a treat for special occasions only like a little ceremony a turning point or celebration. Our staple dessert diet were fresh tropical fruits mostly and cake was just saying may your year be filled with sweetness.

    And lastly community how we have two groups ones that are called by earth based endeavors afraid of technology and others by more technological type careers taken away from our natural world and observing polar opposites of different kinds in different settings has taught me a lot of being able to unite the divide within me first before i can act outside.

    The little boy is just a soul who scared and unsure he does hears the voice within and trusts and by facing his fear of baking he bridges the divide.

    I know there are a lot of sugar issues and gluten issues , I am not trying to promote cake eating lol! so pardon me for those who stay away from those things for health reasons.

    Peace and love to y’all.

    Lila :)

  10. Rosa Alvarez on December 23, 2024 at 7:40 am

    My friends I wanted to share this short story inspired in the fall of 2017 in a small town “Sebastopol ” sonoma county.
    I was inspired by an artist who painted pears, and it awoke in me the warmth and spirit of chrismas spirit 🙂.

    A boy who lived in the forest in a giant pear filled with sweetness.
    He looks up to the sky and sees a vast illumination of twinkling stars ✨
    He is amazed by such a site!
    It is Christmas eve and he knows the forestis sad and it needs food. He lives a simple life isolated but very peaceful and happy inside🙂
    He doesn’t have enough food for everybody and on Christmas eve he looks up again to the beutiful starry sky and wonders : ” of all the twinkling stars can any of you help this very sad forest?”
    There was an owl sitting on a tree branch and she goes: hoot! hoot! And says to the boy : ” hello little boy , I see you are looking for a star and I see you have asked the stars a question to help the sad and hungry forest that needs food.
    The owl says to the boy : ” tonight look up again at the vast starry sky, pick one star and ask for a wish”
    The boy goes into Christmas eve and looks up as he closes his eyes for a moment and places his hand on his chest.
    He says little star so beautiful and bright you seem so far and yet so close . I wish that the forest becomes healthy, happy and full of bounty again.
    The boy opened his eyes and he sat attentive but he heard no answer 😔 no voice coming from the sky.
    He waited for hours but no answer came.
    While waiting he thanked father sky and mother earth for his humble abode for the little bit he had.
    He fell asleep giving thanks and peaceful.

    On Christmas day upon awakening early morning while rubbing his eyes a miracle had happened.
    The birds from the sky had brought him star gifts of all kinds. There was a little bluebird of happiness that descended from one of the stars he was so bright he glistened, his chest so bright orange he sparkled in gold and iridescence. From its orange chest rayed forth luminous rainbow colors.
    Astounded was the boy by this most majestic little bird 🐦
    The blue bird of happiness said to the boy:
    ” I have come to you with the greatest gifts and secrets ” the boy turned around and saw his giant pear home had become a pure golden pear so shiny and beautiful.
    It was adorned with precious jewels emeralds rubies, sapphires all kinds of beautiful gems.
    The entrance to his home had become a giant pearl!
    Surrounding his home was a garden with all kinds of flowers with different colors and aromas.
    There were beautiful roses adorning the roof and inside his home awaited him a banquet of food filled with all kinds of yummy foods, sweets and drinks.
    The beautiful bird said to the boy:

    “Go into the forest and tell your forest friends of this banquet, bring them to share in the Christmas feast day”.

    The boy went into the forest and called the forest friends to come and feast. Some friends did not believe, they were so sad 😔
    The forest animals who came to eat sat down to share in the feast and riches of this part of the forest.
    The owl sat at the head of the table and said:
    ” remember specially at Christmas time to think of others when most are sad gaze upon the sky and ask a star of wisdom and love for bounty for all”
    The friends in the forest joined hands and sang songs of peace and the magic of chrismas day grew strong with beautiful colors and sounds. Musical voices carried deep into the forest and one by one all the others in the forest that didn’t believe in the feast started to come and join.
    Everybody ate and received star gifts.
    The circle grew larger and larger and all around the world there was love, happiness, peace and love 😀💖

    Merry Christmas to y’all.

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Gem & Plant Course

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A truly ground-breaking presentation uniting the realms of gem and plant A complete overview of the theoretical and practical elements for the creation of gem-based plant sprays designed to regulate and stimulate plant growth processes for the enhancement of medicinal qualities and environmental resilience. Learn Course Features Course details & schedule Lesson Preview Session 1…