Traditional medicine makes use of the principle of tempering. Tempering is the incremental application of small changes that gradually establish order through proportional balance. This is achieved by repeated actions applied in small incremental steps. Among plant medicines, potent herbs known as adaptogens (spikenard, ginseng, eleuthero, rhodiola) are valued for their tempering forces. In music,…
Read MoreFor even the most ardent supporters of Biodynamic agriculture understanding the BD preps is challenging. For instance, it is difficult for a business owner to explain to a client why cow manure put in a cow horn is a soil amendment. That is one side. On the other side, practitioners themselves express difficulty seeing the…
Read MoreArtisanal agriculture is based on small scale methods. The illusory power over nature that drives large scale agriculture can be seen in a five hundred horsepower John Deere tractor. To duplicate that power with five hundred actual horses would require setting up teams and harnesses for a double column a quarter of a mile long.…
Read MoreComputers use formulas known as algorithms that dictate mathematically how changes are being created in a set of inputs. A researcher converts data from an experiment into mathematical equations or algorithms that are repeated or iterated many, many times by a computer. The logic language in constructing such a formula is, “if this, then :…
Read MoreA pandemic can be characterized technically as a cascade. One event triggers two events and they in turn trigger four and so on to create a cascade. In biology the cascade effect is a fundamental life strategy for many opportunistic organisms like viruses. However, social scientists point out that the lingering effects of a cascading…
Read MoreArtists who have worked for a long time can confirm that overcoming the trials of the two tyrannies is difficult. The first trial is the tyranny of the white. This is the sinking feeling that the first stroke on a drawing or the first strike of a chisel has set in motion a destruction process.…
Read MoreThe structure of human will regarding satisfaction is a key to the process of healing. The human organism has a biological basis for satisfying hunger it’s also true that humans have a psychological pattern that links craving and hunger. There is a polarity between the biological necessity of hunger pangs and the psychological patterns around…
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