Finding it difficult to lug your suitcase upstairs? Work out a few times a week at the gym and your suitcase soon begins to feel lighter! Likewise, going to the “soul gym” every day develops your capacity to remain peaceful amidst the pressures of life. Just as workouts at the “Y” build muscular strength and…
Read MoreSpend a half-hour rummaging through old magazines for any picture that strikes a chord in the imagination. There is to be no associative thought in this process just a journey through images putting some in your shopping cart and letting others drift past unrecognized. Once a collection is formed (we call it a morgue) the…
Read MoreThe image shows the retort of our sleeping consciousness with the birds of thought arising out of the neck in clouds of steam. These birds are our thoughts that are constantly percolating up out of a constant undercurrent of dreaming into our awake states as we go about our daily affairs. They arise out of…
Read MoreDowsers have long been aware of the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life. Dowsing research has uncovered a great deal of documented proof that sleeping in a weak field or a current can be a major cause of debility which leads to illness. All currents are considered by dowsers…
Read MoreDennis teaches us about the most important plant rhythm, solar length of day, and how that can be used in planning your planting calendar.
Read MoreThis picture is an adaptation of an old alchemical image that shows the flowing and generous nature of the goddess of the waters. The Sun and Moon look on as the water goddess gives abundantly out of herself. The double fish tail merging into the body of a human represents the integration necessary in the…
Read MoreIn his widely acclaimed movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore concludes that the climate crisis is in reality a moral crisis. This series of articles seeks to support that idea and aims to search through three questions about the ways in which morality, traditionally a soul or spiritual value, could possibly interface with the science…
Read MoreIf we think about it most of our trials come out of the inner experience that we seem to have two contrasting modes of consciousness in us. An alchemist would call these two modes of consciousness the Sun and the Moon. These two complementary modes often are the source of inner conflicts. When we listen…
Read MoreI have been approached a number of times by students who say they feel the closeness of a departed friend or relative and ask, “Sometimes they seem so far away and sometimes they feel near. How can I maintain my relationship with this person? I know they haven’t just disappeared from existence. How can I…
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