
Coros Institute Supported Offerings

Thank you to the Coros Institute for supporting the work of Soil, Soul and Spirit. The articles and lectures below are available for free because of donations to Coros institute.

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Goethe’s Living-Nature Imagination

By Dennis Klocek | January 3, 2023

Those who have tried to grasp and not merely read about the nature-consciousness developed in Goethe, know how elusive this child of the 18th century can be. For no sooner do you grasp what appears to be a limb (or branch), then at once the fragile form disappears. You hold in your hand something akin to the carbon structure of the thing or a burnt etching, but the living experience awaits the next effort of perception.

Meeting with the spirit during the Holy Nights

By Dennis Klocek | December 23, 2022

There is an exercise that is a blend of two indications from Rudolf Steiner regarding Christmas day in particular and the twelve Holy Nights in general. The particular reference was about a meeting in the spirit of those souls on the path founded by Christian Rosencreutz. On Christmas day there is traditionally a meeting in…

The Great Karma Exercise

By Dennis Klocek | December 18, 2022

The roots of the karma exercise lie in the capacity to form an inner picture and hold it at will and then to dissolve it at will. Practice this form of imagining for five minutes as a prelude to the karma exercise.  This puts the soul in touch with an inner force that an alchemist…

Healing Anointing Ritual for the Holy Nights

By Ben Klocek | December 16, 2022

During Soul Course Part 9: Soul and Ceremony, Dennis shared a healing ritual and a recipe for an anointing oil [PDF]. The hope is that more healing personal wishes for self and other will blossom out of this practice. This is such a sweet, loving practice, I intend to make the oil blend and perform the ritual for my…

Colors of the Sunrise: Light, Darkness and the Atmospheric Dance of the Soul

By Dennis Klocek | November 11, 2022

[Republished from the Journal of Anthroposophical Medicine Vol.9 1992] From a mechanical point of view the motion of the earth as it revolves around its axis brings into being the diverse set of phenomena known as the sunrise. From a more poetic point of view the sunrise is a rune of high significance for human…

Scientific Hypotheses – Truth or Error?

By Dennis Klocek | October 27, 2022

[Republished from Journal of Anthroposophical Medicine (JAM) Vol.10 1993] If one were to approach a professional scientist and challenge the hypothetical method as a flawed premise for good science, one would surely be met with vigorous protest. And, indeed, the protest would be well founded, because the hypothetical method is a well-proven cornerstone of scientific…

Sacred Agriculture – Spanish Translation Book Launch

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With the launch of a spanish translation of his 2013 book, Sacred Agriculture, Dennis shares what motivates him to do biodynamic research, what the future holds for biodynamic research, and how the consciousness of the practitioner is important for biodynamics to bridge the gap to mainstream science.

Alchemy of Biodynamics

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This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.

Living earth : Living climate

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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

Developing Living Picture Thinking: Sensation, Perception, Intention

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Explore the phenomenological approach to science and develop practices for seeing into the open secret.