
Coros Institute Supported Offerings

Thank you to the Coros Institute for supporting the work of Soil, Soul and Spirit. The articles and lectures below are available for free because of donations to Coros institute.

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Video – Creating Safe Space with a Walled Garden

By Dennis Klocek | August 2, 2022

Creating safe, sacred spaces in your garden connects you to the long history of the walled garden. Using Leonardo Da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks as inspiration, Dennis takes us on a tour of the small sculpture gardens throughout his garden that support his plants and the elemental forces in creating the most healing food…

Archetypes, Biography, and Corporate Myths

By Dennis Klocek | August 1, 2022

Developing shared understanding in a corporate setting depends on awareness of the myths that comprise the vision of the company and appropriate communication of them.

Power, Myth, and the Corporate Archetype

By Dennis Klocek | August 1, 2022

Most people would be surprised if they were told that there was no such “thing” as a biological species. But this is a true statement because a species is an idea, not a thing.

The Alchemical Worldview

By Dennis Klocek | June 7, 2022

Esoterically the central task of the human being is to achieve what is known as the second birth, or what is known to students of Rudolf Steiner as the birth of the “I” being. Our first birth is into a body of flesh. This is given to us by nature working through our parents. The…

Glyphs of the Zodiac

By Dennis Klocek | May 25, 2022

Editor’s Note: Dennis uses a sidereal ephemeris to determine the dates for each constellation in which the sun is active. The sidereal ephemeris takes into consideration the precession of the equinoxes in determining the the location of the stars and planets as they are today. The constellations of the zodiac are traditionally rendered in pictographs…

Overcoming Anxiety

By Dennis Klocek | May 9, 2022

A useful skill for human beings is to learn how to contact the timeless inner being who is constantly remembering how life was before things got anxious. To do this it is necessary to develop a practice to consciously draw attention away from the anxious parts of life and transform the anxiety into gratitude. Most…

Sacred Agriculture – Spanish Translation Book Launch

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With the launch of a spanish translation of his 2013 book, Sacred Agriculture, Dennis shares what motivates him to do biodynamic research, what the future holds for biodynamic research, and how the consciousness of the practitioner is important for biodynamics to bridge the gap to mainstream science.

Alchemy of Biodynamics

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This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.

Living earth : Living climate

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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

Developing Living Picture Thinking: Sensation, Perception, Intention

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Explore the phenomenological approach to science and develop practices for seeing into the open secret.