
Seeking spirit vision: Essays on developing imagination

By Dennis Klocek / January 12, 1998

Seeking Spirit Vision: if you are willing to take it up and work with it, will change your life, as much perhaps as the most significant person you have ever met did. This book, if you wish, can become a lifetime friend—a very wise friend. This work, through and through, is a text of practices.…

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Drawing From the Book of Nature

By Dennis Klocek / January 12, 1990

Within the science of education of today, there is a need to balance the pragmatic study of nature with an imaginative, yet exact consideration of the natural world wherein questions of beauty and morality can be seriously entertained. Neither memorizing data nor copying a beautiful drawing engages thw whole imagination of the student in the…

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Bio-Dynamic Book of Moons

By Dennis Klocek / June 11, 1983

Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming originally developed by Rudolf Steiner that employs what proponents describe as “a holistic understanding of agricultural processes”. One of the first sustainable agriculture movements, it treats soil fertility, plant growth, and livestock care as ecologically interrelated tasks. In Dennis Klocek’s first book, he describes seasonal patterns, processes…

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