This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.
Read MoreThis lecture presents a much-needed introduction to the real biodynamic work given within the context of the four elements, the archetypal patterns of creation unfolding within every phenomena of nature. It is essential listening for the biodynamic practitioner seeking true understanding as well as for anyone serious about comprehending the worldview behind the work of…
Read MoreBack in the day, way back in the day, the Creator had a dream. And the Great Creator had a dream to make a being that could create in freedom. And the name of that being was the World Mineral Plant Animal Human. The World Mineral Plant Animal Human was given the gift to create…
Read MoreThis two-day workshop brought together those who are actively engaged in growing medicinal plants to share space with persons who are actively involved in the healing arts and in education. Presentations on greenwood selection and fermentation as well as demonstrations of selection, equipment and techniques for ultra-fine semi-precious gem grinding and filtering were given. The presentations focused on best practices.
Read MoreIn the quartet of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and magnesium the sal and sulf influences on the life processes of plants can be identified. The phosphorus and potassium issue in NPK thinking revolves around the very attractive nature of phosphorus for other minerals and the strong tendency for potassium to constantly seek combination. Phosphorus with a…
Read MorePerceiving the Spirit in the Natural World – Frey Vineyard Jan 2014 Contemporary science, with its focus on the gathering of abstract data as a means for the perception of natural phenomena, tends to promote the view that nature is simply a resource to be exploited. Earlier civilizations tended to see the phenomena of nature…
Read MoreThis workshop explores an alchemical method for understanding plant nutrition. The intimate relationships between soils and plant physiology when seen alchemically allow the grower to adjust the use of soil amendments to better advantage. The alchemical mandalas of the mineral cross of carbon, potassium, silica and phosphorus will be highlighted in the context of the four great groups of the plant cross. We will look at the physiology of legumes, biennials, grasses and medicinal plants in the context of their preferred soil requirements.
Read MoreThe naturalist D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, who wrote the classic book On Growth And Form, believed that the outer form of an organism is a diagram of the forces that are active within the organism. He took this idea further by stating that germ plasm is always the seat of forces and never the source of…
Read MoreTo truly see the Earth as a living being with a soul capable of will impulses and feelings requires humans to come into contact with the way that phenomena in nature stimulate feelings and will impulses in human beings. The sequence here is sense experience creating a picture image in the nerves that leads to…
Read MoreUsing the four elements theory, Dennis explores the alchemical relationships between natural forces and human consciousness. He takes us on a journey using the language of alchemy into the smallest interactions in the mineral world and then through the elements out into the cosmos, sharing imaginative exercises and practices for personal work to improve your perception of these forces. With this new vision, the true meaning of “turning lead into gold” becomes clear.
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