Plant and Mineral Alchemy

In the Lab: Creating a Simple Still for Home Distillation/Extraction of Essential Oils

By Dennis Klocek July 11, 2024
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In this detailed tutorial, Dennis demonstrates how to convert a standard four-gallon pressure cooker into an effective essential oil distilling apparatus. (For more on its use, see our video In the Lab: Using a Simple Still for Home Extraction of Essential Oils.) The video covers the conversion process, including creating a custom adapter for the…

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Gem Spray Lettuce Trial

By Dennis Klocek April 16, 2024
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Dennis presents an experiment involving a spray made of crushed gems and fulvic acid applied to lettuce plants to encourage the formation of heads. The experiment compares the sprayed lettuces to the control group and evaluates the effectiveness of the gem spray in creating balanced and substantial lettuce heads. The results indicate that the gem…

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The Light of Life in Plant & Gem

By Ben Klocek September 15, 2023
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Hi friends, I have some articles to share with you today.  As you may know, our Gem and Plant class is a deep dive into supporting plants in developing enhanced medicinal and culinary qualities. It’s been a very interesting journey. My favorite part is where Dennis described the weaving of light from the sun and other stars into…

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Growth Regulating Hormonal Plant Sprays

By Dennis Klocek September 14, 2023
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Understanding the difference between “spreading” and “stemming” in plant growth patterns, is a doorway to the deeper mysteries of how hormones affect plant growth.

This pattern is used to describe a whole system of plant sprays that can be made from natural substances to influence plant growth from root to seed.

Includes *recipes* and experimental results!

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The Alchemy of Plant Hormones & Plant Spray Applications

By Dennis Klocek September 14, 2023
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Using the alchemical language of sulf, sal, mercury, Dennis describes how certain minerals and hormones that govern plant growth can be seen as growth patterns of deposition and dissolution.

Understanding of these patterns can be used to select what elements to include in a plant spray.

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Rhythmical Pruning and Spraying to Enhance Medicinal and Culinary Properties

By Dennis Klocek August 2, 2023
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In the growth of medicinal and culinary plants the balance between two fundamental hormonal influences is a valuable key to enhancing both medicinal properties as well as aromatics and flavour in culinary plants. Most plants are apically dominant. That means that the terminal buds on each branch determine the branching and shooting form of the…

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The Principles and Process of Gem Sprays for Medicinal Plants

By Dennis Klocek August 2, 2023
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Recent research on the relationship between climate change and plant growth has revealed an unusual paradox. It seems that the more CO2 a plant has available in the atmosphere the larger it grows. However this growth is accompanied by a ubiquitous 8% reduction in potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and plant protein in the cells of…

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Holistic Science is Heart-led Science

By joe.couling July 27, 2023
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Hi friends, One of our big goals here at Soil, Soul and Spirit is to provide resources for learning about the world in a way that builds connections, ties things together, and allows you to “see the open secret” of the world, as Goethe put it. Dennis has shared many stories with me over the years…

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Healing Insights for the Earth & Humankind

By joe.couling May 12, 2023
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Hello friends of Soil, Soul and Spirit, I’m writing today to let you know of a few new things up at First is a new free lecture called Living earth : Living climate. Dennis helps us understand the earth as living being by relating climate to the human being through esoteric wisdom. Elemental dynamics drive all life, from the micro…

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Metallic ions for foliar sprays

By Dennis Klocek January 23, 2023
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In the quartet of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and magnesium the sal and sulf influences on the life processes of plants can be identified.  The phosphorus and potassium issue in NPK thinking revolves around the very attractive nature of phosphorus for other minerals and the strong tendency for potassium to constantly seek combination. Phosphorus with a…

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