
New Adam

By Dennis Klocek June 17, 2024
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Ritual and community on the path to the new human Among humankind today the true nature of soul often goes unseen, pain and suffering goes unheard, the virtuous are deemed mad and evil is celebrated as good. Wise people such as St. John and lately Rudolf Steiner perceived this condition unfolding in the soul of…

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Conflict and the Examined Life

By Dennis Klocek May 14, 2024
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In ancient times philosophers never considered their own soul life as existing separately from the world. It was widely believed that the personal will of a soul had a weak but perceptible effect on the way that the world unfolded. The weak effect became perceptible only if a soul took up the spiritual practice of…

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From Struggle to Gratitude: Searching for Clarity

By Dennis Klocek December 5, 2023
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In this profound series, Dennis teaches about human physiology and the learning process from a spiritual perspective. The series revolves around concepts from Karl Koenig and Rudolf Steiner, and aspects of struggle, gratitude, understanding the role of the ‘I’ and ‘Me’, and the importance of embracing uncertainty. He addresses the implications of fear, anxiety, humor, rhythm, and the significance of art and story as transformative tools.

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Biodynamics and Beholding Through the Four Elements

By Dennis Klocek June 14, 2023
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This lecture presents a much-needed introduction to the real biodynamic work given within the context of the four elements, the archetypal patterns of creation unfolding within every phenomena of nature. It is essential listening for the biodynamic practitioner seeking true understanding as well as for anyone serious about comprehending the worldview behind the work of…

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The Great Creator’s Dream: Freedom, Giveaway and the Task of the Human

By Dennis Klocek May 23, 2023
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Back in the day, way back in the day, the Creator had a dream. And the Great Creator had a dream to make a being that could create in freedom. And the name of that being was the World Mineral Plant Animal Human. The World Mineral Plant Animal Human was given the gift to create…

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Living earth : Living climate

By Dennis Klocek May 11, 2023
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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

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The Alchemy of Holy Week

By Dennis Klocek March 30, 2023
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In the yearly cycle the events of Holy Week can be the source of profound meditations on the relationship between pain and suffering on one hand and joy and gratitude on the other. Using indications from the work of Emil Bock on the daily events of Holy Week as a foundation, this weekend workshop will be composed of meditative pictures from alchemical sources of the planetary forces that serve as backdrop for the Christ drama. The focus of the work will be to explore alchemical imagery that is in harmony with the Easter celebration of the victory of life over death.

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The Book of Trials: On the Path to Seeing the Nature of Spirit

By Dennis Klocek February 6, 2023
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All those who seek to understand the world through the workings of spirit will meet the Guardian of the Threshold, who shows us our own true inner nature, the noble and the ignoble. To cross the threshold from the physical world into the spiritual as a practice of initiation, we are presented with trials through…

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Turning Living Nature Imagination Inward

By Ben Klocek January 25, 2023
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Thank you for your replies to this series on Goethe, phenomenology, and the etheric. I’m so pleased at the interest As I alluded to in my last email, it’s time to turn this way of seeing back on ourselves and peer at our own soul activity.  While Goethe refined this way of seeing into nature, Rudolf…

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