
Coros Institute Supported Offerings

Thank you to the Coros Institute for supporting the work of Soil, Soul and Spirit. The articles and lectures below are available for free because of donations to Coros institute.

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Elements, Temperaments and Humors – Part 4

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

See our video series on Temperaments and Health here.In alchemy the levity/ gravity polarity is known as the sun and moon. The levity side of an alchemical mandala is linked to the force of the sun. The solar force is Avicenna’s principle of innate heat. It is also the principle behind Rudolf Steiner connecting the…

Elements, Temperaments and Humors – Part 3

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

See our video series on Temperaments and Health here. Moist chemically complex phlegm transforms to blood through temperamental heat. This  heart action changes phlegm into living interactive tissue. “Cold” blood is available for limited applications. “Warm” heart blood is accepted by all parts of the body, at all levels. Science recognizes oxygenated arterial blood from…

Elements, Temperaments and Humors – Part 2

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

See our video series on Temperaments and Health here. In the diagram E (earth), W (water), A (air) and F (fire) represent the four elements. The earth element in the form of dry, cold salts moves towards a moist tempering creating the humor, phlegm. The sequence is element (earth) to temperament (cold) to humor (phlegm)…

Elements, Temperaments and Humors – Part 1

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

Traditional medicine makes use of the principle of tempering. Tempering is the incremental application of small changes that gradually establish order through proportional balance. This is achieved by repeated actions applied in small incremental steps. Among plant medicines, potent herbs known as adaptogens (spikenard, ginseng, eleuthero, rhodiola) are valued for their tempering forces. In music,…

Thoughts on the BioDynamic Preparations

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

For even the most ardent supporters of Biodynamic agriculture understanding the BD preps is challenging. For instance, it is difficult for a business owner to explain to a client why cow manure put in a cow horn is a soil amendment. That is one side. On the other side,  practitioners themselves express difficulty seeing the…

Farm or Garden?

By Dennis Klocek | October 2, 2020

Artisanal agriculture is based on small scale methods. The illusory power over nature that drives large scale agriculture can be seen in a five hundred horsepower John Deere tractor. To duplicate that power with five hundred actual horses would require setting up teams and harnesses for a double column a quarter of a mile long.…

Sacred Agriculture – Spanish Translation Book Launch

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With the launch of a spanish translation of his 2013 book, Sacred Agriculture, Dennis shares what motivates him to do biodynamic research, what the future holds for biodynamic research, and how the consciousness of the practitioner is important for biodynamics to bridge the gap to mainstream science.

Alchemy of Biodynamics

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This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.

Living earth : Living climate

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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

Developing Living Picture Thinking: Sensation, Perception, Intention

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Explore the phenomenological approach to science and develop practices for seeing into the open secret.