
Coros Institute Supported Offerings

Thank you to the Coros Institute for supporting the work of Soil, Soul and Spirit. The articles and lectures below are available for free because of donations to Coros institute.

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The Alchemy of Plant Hormones & Plant Spray Applications

By Dennis Klocek | September 14, 2023

Using the alchemical language of sulf, sal, mercury, Dennis describes how certain minerals and hormones that govern plant growth can be seen as growth patterns of deposition and dissolution.

Understanding of these patterns can be used to select what elements to include in a plant spray.

Metals as Cosmic Sense Organs

By Dennis Klocek | August 24, 2023

Metals are cosmic activities that have come down to live in physical bodies. They are only barely incarnated.Sense organs themselves are very incarnated but the activities of the sense organs are still living in the world of the becomings of things. For this reason, a good linkage can be made between the sense activities and…

Rhythmical Pruning and Spraying to Enhance Medicinal and Culinary Properties

By Dennis Klocek | August 2, 2023

In the growth of medicinal and culinary plants the balance between two fundamental hormonal influences is a valuable key to enhancing both medicinal properties as well as aromatics and flavour in culinary plants. Most plants are apically dominant. That means that the terminal buds on each branch determine the branching and shooting form of the…

The Principles and Process of Gem Sprays for Medicinal Plants

By Dennis Klocek | August 2, 2023

Recent research on the relationship between climate change and plant growth has revealed an unusual paradox. It seems that the more CO2 a plant has available in the atmosphere the larger it grows. However this growth is accompanied by a ubiquitous 8% reduction in potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and plant protein in the cells of…

Video: Fava Bean Plant Spray for Boosting Growth

By Dennis Klocek | July 17, 2023

This easy-to-make plant spray is excellent for boosting plants. It works great to get a second harvest. It’s good used on plants like Lemon Balm or Helichrysum when harvesting for essential oils. By marinating young (1-3in tall) fava bean roots in a fulvic acid/water solution made by soaking/decomposing tree leaves in water, you can produce…

Study Notes for Membrane Transport (For making your own liposomal sprays)

By Dennis Klocek | June 21, 2023

Liposomes can trap both hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances and unstable compounds (for example, antimicrobials, antioxidants, flavors and bioactive elements). Proteins creating transport channels across phospholipid membranes, mitochondrial and chloroplast inner membranes require more proteins for transport. (Egg yolks have proteins as well as lipids. Egg lecithin is useful for production of liposomes it produces more…

Sacred Agriculture – Spanish Translation Book Launch

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With the launch of a spanish translation of his 2013 book, Sacred Agriculture, Dennis shares what motivates him to do biodynamic research, what the future holds for biodynamic research, and how the consciousness of the practitioner is important for biodynamics to bridge the gap to mainstream science.

Alchemy of Biodynamics

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This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.

Living earth : Living climate

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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

Developing Living Picture Thinking: Sensation, Perception, Intention

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Explore the phenomenological approach to science and develop practices for seeing into the open secret.