
Coros Institute Supported Offerings

Thank you to the Coros Institute for supporting the work of Soil, Soul and Spirit. The articles and lectures below are available for free because of donations to Coros institute.

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Freedom from Anxiety

By Dennis Klocek | May 9, 2022

In these times of great uncertainty, a powerful seed thought from Rudolf Steiner is the phrase “to will my thinking is freedom; to think into my will is love”. This meditative tool is valuable for overcoming anxiety. But we could ask, what does it mean to will my thinking? In everyday life my thoughts flit…

Arms of the Heart

By Dennis Klocek | April 15, 2022

In this exercise begin by trying to find your heartbeat in your chest. Listen inwardly to it and see if you can feel / hear it. If this is difficult then try to locate the pulse beat in your ears or your hands. Then try to link your heartbeat as you feel it in your…

Gems, Light, and Cosmic Will

By Dennis Klocek | April 8, 2022

Most human beings tend to value thinking as the most powerful human soul capacity because most problems are addressed through some level of thinking. Underneath awake thinking consciousness flows a constant river of will that evades awareness. Will is the force nature uses for changing things. In the human soul, will is the force of…

Learning to Become Ourselves for the Next Generation

By Dennis Klocek | April 8, 2022

From conception to birth a child is following a spiritual mission that is the task of the I being or True Self. The mission is the intent of the spiritual entity that lives between lives. Between birth and 18 months, a child looks to adults as powerful representatives of the divine or spiritual world from…

Nature Experience for Young People

By Dennis Klocek | April 8, 2022

Nature is a broad array of events. As a result, there are many kinds of nature experiences. It is useful to consider which “nature” we mean when we use the word.  Here are some thoughts about different experiences of nature and how they affect our relationship to it. Nature as wilderness This gives solace and…

Soul Breathing

By Dennis Klocek | March 3, 2022

Soul breathing exercises are useful tools for transforming stuck belief structures in the soul. The first set (Spirit Biography) addresses issues in your past that have served to form beliefs in the present. These forces in your life constitute your spirit biography. They are impulses only dimly sensed by you but that form an energetic…

Sacred Agriculture – Spanish Translation Book Launch

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With the launch of a spanish translation of his 2013 book, Sacred Agriculture, Dennis shares what motivates him to do biodynamic research, what the future holds for biodynamic research, and how the consciousness of the practitioner is important for biodynamics to bridge the gap to mainstream science.

Alchemy of Biodynamics

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This free presentation is a chance for you to learn first hand how alchemical principles have informed Dennis’ deep insights in the development of new biodynamic preparations, the importance of timing and rhythm in agriculture, and the role of the practitioner’s inner development on the effectiveness of the biodynamic method.

Living earth : Living climate

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In this lecture Dennis uses the two polar principles of form and function to illustrate ways to imagine the Earth as a living being in contrast to seeing Earth as simply a resource. The elements (earth, water, air, fire) and their dynamics give birth to the four life forces (cold, wet, hot, dry). Reciprocations between…

Developing Living Picture Thinking: Sensation, Perception, Intention

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Explore the phenomenological approach to science and develop practices for seeing into the open secret.