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A Periphery / Center Exercise
This exercise can help to develop a sense of the continuity of consciousness across the threshold to the next world. It begins with the inner imagination that we are in our bodies looking out at a starry sky. We imagine that our soul is expanding outwards towards the stars. It is expanding in a circle.…
Freedom from Anxiety
In these times of great uncertainty, a powerful seed thought from Rudolf Steiner is the phrase “to will my thinking is freedom; to think into my will is love”. This meditative tool is valuable for overcoming anxiety. But we could ask, what does it mean to will my thinking? In everyday life my thoughts flit…
Gems, Light, and Cosmic Will
Most human beings tend to value thinking as the most powerful human soul capacity because most problems are addressed through some level of thinking. Underneath awake thinking consciousness flows a constant river of will that evades awareness. Will is the force nature uses for changing things. In the human soul, will is the force of…
Nature Experience for Young People
Nature is a broad array of events. As a result, there are many kinds of nature experiences. It is useful to consider which “nature” we mean when we use the word. Here are some thoughts about different experiences of nature and how they affect our relationship to it. Nature as wilderness This gives solace and…
The Alchemical Mandala
The charts for the alchemical journey of self transformation often take the form of a mandala or sacred wheel. This is because the sacred journey never ends. It also usually brings you back to where you started but the second time around you know where you have been. The mandala is a dynamic map of…
Weather and Cosmos
It is hoped that this small book will be a contribution towards the opening of a dialogue for the purpose of studying the ways in which nature and the cosmos interact. It is my firm belief that science must once more be wedded to the arts. So, it is not ultimately for meteorologists that this…
Core Principles of Biodynamics
This course is a survey of the esoteric principles that are the foundation of the Biodynamic practices. Starting with the geological features of pre-cambrian times the ascent of organisms is sketched as a depiction of what Rudolf Steiner has called the world / mineral / plant.