Healing with Liquid Crystal Communication

September 14, 2023
By Dennis Klocek 9 min read
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

In 1941, four years after winning a Nobel prize for biochemistry the renowned researcher Albert Szent-Gyorgyi stunned an audience at an international conference of biochemists. Szent-Gyorgyi stated that the accepted view among biochemists that organisms were bags of water infused with randomly interacting molecules was incorrect. His research had led him to the conclusion that ‘solid state physics’ was a much more accurate picture of how organic systems organized and communicated within organisms. 

He discovered that within plants, thousands of chlorophyll molecules must organize with high geometric precision in order to split just one molecule of carbon dioxide. He also found that in large protein molecules, precise systems of geometric arrays are what allow electrons to signal distant electrons in tissue maintenance processes.

Szent-Gyorgyi argued that living organisms form shared signalling systems that function as what physics today describes as liquid crystals. In other words, the real basis for organic systems is mitochondrial membranes within cells acting as liquid crystal displays and functioning as semi-conductors of electron charges.

The real basis for organic systems is mitochondrial membranes within cells acting as liquid crystal displays and functioning as semi-conductors of electron charges.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in 1941

At that time this theory seemed far-fetched and even misguided. With liquid crystals ubiquitous today in electronic devices this insight begs further interest. Today, some theorists suggest that perhaps electrons don’t really flow through substances in the way we previously depicted them (akin to water flowing). The true picture emerging is one where charges of extremely small amperage (one billionth of an amp) function as a communications system in geometric molecular organic arrays.

The amperage is carried by light waves that are not particles at all. Solid state theories suggest that the light waves are themselves standing waves of electrical potentials with very little electron flow. Impulses in the waves are shared simultaneously by all molecules in the system. The light waves act as geometrically coordinated electrochemical signal carriers. The extremely low rate of flow separates this universal primary state electric field found in organic arrays from the damaging high-flow electric fields generated by secondary electricity found in devices even at very low frequencies.

Primary or static electricity is a state of polar charges that attract or repel each other.  Rubbing a glass rod with wool will cause the rod to attract pieces of paper. The rubbing to transfer charge gives rise to what is known as the triboelectric series.

In the archetypal language of the alchemists glass and resin are opposites. Glass is alchemically salt. Resin is alchemically sulfur. Wool is a product of metabolism and is more resinous (sulfurous) than glass. But wool is more glass-like than paper with its neutral position in the series.

(Salt) Glass – Wool – Paper (Sulfur)

In this series glass would be on one end.  Paper having a neutral charge would create a polarity. Wool would be found in between. Wool is more sulfur than glass but more salt than paper. To rub the glass with wool transfers a sulfur charge to the glass. The glass now has a build-up of sulfur forces but being a non-conductor it can’t get rid of the charge. The buildup of the charge is called capacitance. The rubbing transfers a sulfur charge to the glass rod that it can’t release.

Opposite charges attract. When the glass that has been charged with sulfur forces comes in contact with small bits of tissue paper the difference in the charges causes the paper to jump to the glass. If there is enough paper the glass will discharge its gained sulfur capacitance to the paper and the attraction will fade.

When charged the glass will have a weak micro-voltage (power) potential. This is its capacity (capacitance) for holding a charge. When it discharges to the paper pieces a weak micro-current (amperage) will flow from the glass to the paper. The initial charge is considered to be static electric potential or primary electricity. When discharging into a current the flow of electricity is known as secondary electricity.

Extremely low micro amperage currents of primary electricity are the electric domain of liquid crystal membranes in living organisms.  Amperages above these extremely low flows is the realm of devices and is inimical to living organisms through the disruption of the informational signals in crystalline molecular arrays that characterize living membranes. 

Here we return to signals carried through liquid crystal arrays by standing waves of light. There is a story of a researcher in the UK who was studying the sound properties of bats. He would go out at dusk and dawn in a sound truck with ultra- sensitive antennas to record the sounds of the bats. One morning after a work session he was sitting in the sound truck having breakfast when he heard a series of high frequency sounds coming into the antennas. Looking outside he could see nothing to explain the phenomena. Intrigued, he returned to the site the next morning, once again left the antennas on and once again heard the high-frequency sounds.

Looking outside yet again, revealed nothing except the rising sun. After a week had passed he was still perplexed by the phenomena. He decided to sit outside the sound truck to watch for any source. Sitting there, he noticed that he had inadvertently parked the truck next to a stone circle of the kind that are scattered throughout central England. He watched as the rising sun struck the stones. At that precise moment his sound truck picked up the same high frequency signals he had been hearing. The stones were responding to the rising sun. The idea that minerals emit sound in response to light and warmth is a profound thought indeed.

He watched as the rising sun struck the stones. At that moment his sound truck picked up the high frequency signals. The stones were responding to the rising sun. The idea that minerals emit sound in response to light and warmth is a profound thought indeed.

Fast forward to today when liquid crystals are ubiquitous in the world, the action of ultra-small charges of electrolyte metals like potassium and calcium in liquid crystal matrices now dominates communication systems.

Similarly, among geologists the concept of solid solution describes how rock masses that are solid allow electrolytes like potassium, calcium and magnesium to enact ion transform migrations through the solid rock. The ionic transfers along liquid crystal matrices result in concentrates that create gems in the rock masses.

In plant growth the same electrolyte metal ions are active through cellular liquid crystal membranes of plants. The same metal ion transfers are at work in nutritional processes in every animal cell membrane. 

In technology, pure silicon wafers are ‘doped’ with metallic electrolytes in the manufacturing process. The ‘doping’ replaces atoms in the silicon crystal matrix with electrolyte metals that are often derivatives of potassium, calcium or iron. These electrolytes (lyte means lysing or supporting electric flow) change the electrical resistance of the silicon and allow it to pick up a weak charge. This is similar to rubbing the glass with resin. The silicon can then pick up weak charges and discharge then again in a controlled way. The silicon wafer then becomes a semi-conductor and is the work-horse of the electronics industry.

Liquid crystal displays get their functionality from the quality of controlled capacitance inherent to the mineral silica. The ‘doping’ allows for ‘gates’ in the chips to open and close against incoming signals of microamp impulses.

The takeaway is the constant use of electronic devices and their inherent microwave clouds is everywhere interacting with the cellular-signalling mechanisms of living organisms. This disrupts the ultra-low amperages and standing-wave communications that cells use to maintain life.

A cell membrane is naturally ‘doped’ to interact with its environment by minute amounts of metal ion electrolytes of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other more exotic metals. This is how the cell controls it’s ‘gates.’ The ability of a gate to open and close within a cell membrane in response to its environment is the basis of nutrition and health. When the gates function well the organism has flexibility and health. When the gates do not function well that is the definition of ill health.

The membrane is both molecularly crystalline and liquid at the same time. The charges outside the cell and inside the cell being regulated by the metallic ions allow the cell to take in nutrients and to excrete metabolic debris.  The relationship between the membranes of the mitochondria in a cell and the cytoplasm of the cell is a solid solution reaction.

Research is now beginning to show that the solid solution dynamics are regulated by systems of geometrically organized molecules that allow for signals from remote locations to be simultaneously experienced by cells without the actual transfer of electrons. This is the phenomenon described by Szent-Gyorgyi in 1941. Some researchers consider this to be a form of communication based on light waves rather than molecular substances in interaction.

Gem Gel for Healing Application

These ideas can be used to form the basis for the use of extremely fine grinds of gem materials that are suspended in oils and applied to the skin over glandular centers traditionally known as chakras. Traditionally, each chakra is actually the site of major glands of the endocrine/immune systems. Each gland is a unique form where nerve impulses interact in intimate ways with blood circulation across membranes. The interaction causes a change in the blood that produces hormones designed by nature to regulate body responses.

The idea of the gem gel is that the use of the extremely fine layers of gems on the skin helps to introduce light to the blood in the venous circulation in the sub-dermal capillaries. The blood receives a source of highly organized light through the gems.

Since the electrolyte metals in the gems have a resonance to the electrolyte metals in the cell membranes the light passing through them into the blood is carrying signals of a high order of coherence and resonance to biological processes. 

One application of the science described here is the creation of a healing gem gel blend known as The New Adam Preparation. The gems chosen in the blend are mentioned in the book of Revelation by St. John as the structure of the New Jerusalem.

In The New Adam Preparation an algae gel is the basis for the suspension of the fine gem particles. The gel also has the inclusion of gentle saponins from camellia blossoms as well as oils from algae and coconut. These oils and soap surfactants allow the gems to be blended into a carrier oil of grapeseed, olive oil and castor oil. The carrier oil is infused with essential oils thought to harmonize with the properties of the gems.

The combination of gels, oils, surfactants and gems creates a product that can be applied easily to the skin in order to deposit a fine layer of gems acting as activating potential for the venous circulation of the blood within the capillaries. This blend allows the gems to be put in roller bottles for ease of application on the chakras.

The New Adam Preparation can then serve as the basis for the creation of chakra anointing rituals within communities with the intention to support community-building and the self-development process of community members.

The purpose of a community ritual using New Adam gel is to enact processes between individuals that involve the use of the gems in the gels as symbols of the transformation of the life of the soul that occurs when individuals engage with others.

Rudolf Steiner has said that the life of the human soul is most readily transformed when the force of manas is generated. Manas or “wish” is similar to the force in the soul that Carl Jung called transcendent function. When applied to oneself, manas is the “wish” or “intent” to do better.  When applied to others “wish” is the expression of an intent that another is empowered to reach their highest aspirations and potentials in life.

The intent of the New Adam anointing gel is that when it is created by groups of individuals who will use it during gatherings to anoint others the will used to form the gel is captured in the gel. This concentrated will can then be offered to others in an anointing ritual. The anointing is accompanied by spoken wishes based on a sharing of brief biographical anecdotes prior to the ritual. The will transfer is based on members of a group using their will to prepare the gem and oil gel. This focused will is then used in a community ritual by anointing another individual’s forehead, throat and hand. This is accompanied by the act of wishing them good will in their thinking, feeling and deeds in life.

The goal of this work is to amplify will forces in individual members by participation in the formation of the anointing substance either through actually creating the gel or offering financial support for materials and equipment to those who are creating it. The accumulated good will needed in the creation of the gel is then dispersed to all members in the anointing and wishing ritual.

More details will be given as the New Adam course unfolds. A sequel is being developed for a future course on the value and practice of healing ritual in contemporary life.

Don’t miss the gem gel class in 2024!
Sign up for our newsletter below to receive notice when the class for making the New Adam gem gel is announced.

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Dennis Klocek

Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at soilsoulandspirit.com.


  1. Peter Webb on September 15, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Thanks for sharing so much of your work and inspiration.
    I understand a little of your work with gems now and have read your work on color also.
    What do you think / feel about, working with color through painting or meditating with the colors (of the gems) and conscious visualisation at the chakras ? or even with plants.
    I feel that as intimate gardeners we are constantly exchanging ‘our colors’ with our gardens and they with we; that the flowers, leaves and fruit… colours allow us to re-calibrate constantly or seasonally, our own hormonal system as well as our capacity to more easily ‘call up’ the colors we might want to visualize. Thanks so much for you inspiration and abundance; may it be with you forever

  2. Charlene Stott on January 25, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Are these gem gels available yet? I am electro-sensitive and struggle even though I eat well and take care of myself. This sounds like something I could use to heal this sensitivity. Thank you so much for your work!!!! God bless

    • Ben Klocek on January 26, 2024 at 9:10 am

      Hi Charlene,

      We will not be producing them for sale, but rather teaching you how to make them in the upcoming class. If you need something immediately for the EMF sensitivity, might I suggest exploring the Yarrow Environmental Solution from FES. I have found it very helpful for my EMF sensitivity.


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