Meeting with the spirit during the Holy Nights
By Dennis Klocek 2 min read
There is an exercise that is a blend of two indications from Rudolf Steiner regarding Christmas day in particular and the twelve Holy Nights in general. The particular reference was about a meeting in the spirit of those souls on the path founded by Christian Rosencreutz.
On Christmas day there is traditionally a meeting in the spirit at a Holy Mountain for the purpose of reviewing the year and setting in motion an intention for the coming year. Imagining that meeting with like minded souls was intended to find community even when separated by space and even with souls not yet recognized as brothers and sisters in the spirit.
I have found that this imagination can be made more powerful by linking it to another indication from Rudolf Steiner about his relationship to Christian Rosencreutz. If I remember correctly this was given as a response to a question given to Steiner about how to make contact with him after he crossed the threshold. The two ideas come together in the following way and are productive if done on Christmas day and then through the Holy Nights:
Imagine an altar at which two priests are standing, one in red who is Rudolf Steiner and one in blue who is Christian Rosenkreutz. On the altar is a brazier with burning coals.
Imagine approaching the two priests with a visualization of a question about a life process that is currently active in creating turbulence in my life. Try to imagine a situation in which I recognize I am simply running old responses to a changing life circumstance. Try to boil down the imagination into three phases, this happens, then this happens and then this happens. That could be called ABC. Then imagine the ABC running backwards. It helps to imagine this as a little video of ABC-CBA.
Imagine showing the video in front of the two priests. Imagine them taking the images in the video and placing them on the coals as you watch them turn into a column of smoke. Then work to become very still and silent.
During the next few days repeat this and pay attention to daily conversations with others or “accidental” appearances of things for hints about the questioning process. This gives strength in uncertain times and is actually a ritual placing seeds of will forces that can be harvested in the coming year.
Warm wishes for the Holy Nights

Dennis Klocek
Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute, an internationally renowned lecturer, and teacher. He is the author of nine books, including the newly released Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. He regularly shares his alchemical, spiritual, and scientific insights at
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Thank you very much for Dennis and Ben.
I would like to try this soul training during this holy nights. Also I made beautiful, powerful anointing oil. Thank you for your gifts.
Thanks for your comment, Sayo. I hope that the oil and practice brought something extra to your holy nights :D
Thanks so much Dennis and Ben for this exercise.
With the Sun and Moon (new), accompanied by Venus, Mercury and Pluto
on the mountain of Capricorn at Christmas,
Perfect timing
Warmly, Peter
Thanks for sharing that astronomical aspect of the time. That makes it extra powerful!
“Tree Painting as an Esoteric Deed “- can we hear the whole story? Naure is corresponding to our soul’s longing to deal with the darkness and the life during these long and cold winter nights.
Thank you Dennis and Ben for covering so many aspects of our being here on Earth.
Blessings and Love,
Christmas- time 2022, Marga
Thank you, Dennis and Ben, for sharing this gift. I tried it while on Mount Carmel, in the Holy Land :)
Wow, Tal! That’s a way to really bring the forces. I hope what you offered to the fire made lots of smoke :D
Thank you Dennis and Ben, love the integration with other souls enacting a similar practice especially over this Christmas tide….and even though very far away…..yet finding each other…..
You are welcome Avice. That’s what I love about activity in the spirit, too. It allows souls all over the world to connect for a shared experience, and it doesn’t get muddled by technology đ
Prayers for my loved ones…
âBehold the Sun
At the midnight hour;
Build with stones in the lifeless ground,
Thus, in decay and in the night of Death
Find the Creationâs new beginning,
Young morningâs strength;
Glory in the heights the eternal Word of Gods;
Shelter in the depths the Powers of Peace.
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In matter weaving, know the joy of Spiritâ!