New Book! The Alchemical Marriage

October 19, 2021
By Ben Klocek 2 min read

We’re pleased to announce the publication of a book that has been many years in the making, The Alchemical Wedding – Christian Rosenkreutz, the Initiate of Misunderstanding.

From the back of the book:

Filled with alchemical metaphors, coded words, and images, Dennis Klocek describes—in his inimitable style—much of the profound meaning behind the colorful and surprising events throughout the seven-day “initiation” of Christian Rosenkreutz.

From the Intro:

The overriding posture of Christian Rosenkreutz in the face of ridicule, exclusion, uncertainty and ultimately, unredeemable error, is to become authentically humble. It is his humility that shines out through his trials. His true human humility draws the spiritual beings to him. They see him as the one who has the potential to affect a transformation of self so complete that he himself becomes the spiritual guardian of the threshold between worlds. They continually test him to help him become stronger.  His humility is based on his understanding that he doesn’t understand. He knows that he does not know. This is his path through the forest of darkened minds. In this, he points the way to the future human. The irony is that he is already walking that path when the fatal verdict of his failure is passed to him by his Son the young King on the seventh day. His spiritual power to turn his soul in that time of dire uncertainty, is the hidden gift developed through the challenges he received from higher beings. Through steadfastness in knowing that he does not know, he overcomes uncertainty. It is a practice of radical unknowing.

As I understand it, this is his gift to all humans for their future development. The humility of knowing that I do not know is a saving grace against the violence of the economic war of each against all. This conflict arises from the storms of misunderstanding that, by destiny, accompany the world-wide hyper-individualism of human souls in the consciousness soul age.

Learn more and purchase here.

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Ben Klocek

Ben Klocek, web designer, teacher, and Sacramento Waldorf School alumni, has worked in tech for over 20 years and has been studying how our use of screen technology affects our lives. He teaches technology and woodworking in a Public Waldorf charter school. He is the father of two, ages 12 and 15, and is an avid naturalist, artist, and gardener.

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