Plant and Mineral Alchemy
Angelica research This article was instigated by an initial study done to acclimatize the herb angelica archangelica into California. Angelica is native to high altitudes and high latitudes. In these rather harsh environments the demand made on the harvesting of the plant root has created a concern among plant scientists has put the plant on…
Read MoreIn the life of a plant alcohols play an important role in the maturation and fruiting process. They also form the basis for the protective wax cuticle that keeps the plant free from insect and fungus attack. Plant wax in the form of the cuticle surrounding the surfaces of leaves and stems of plants also…
Read MoreThis article was presented as a lecture at the annual Biodynamic Conference at Sacramento in 1989. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That short sentence – the first sentence in the gospel of St. John – very accurately describes what we’ve been studying for…
Read MoreThis article addresses the gardeners out there who have a little time to engage in a practice that might seem like at total waste of time to a busy agriculturalist. Ever since I read an article in an old Bio-Dynamic magazine on the blood and milk method I have been trying to work out a…
Read MoreThe charts for the alchemical journey of self transformation often take the form of a mandala or sacred wheel. This is because the sacred journey never ends. It also usually brings you back to where you started but the second time around you know where you have been. The mandala is a dynamic map of…
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