Healing Anointing Ritual for the Holy Nights
By Ben Klocek 1 min read
During Soul Course Part 9: Soul and Ceremony, Dennis shared a healing ritual and a recipe for an anointing oil [PDF]. The hope is that more healing personal wishes for self and other will blossom out of this practice.
This is such a sweet, loving practice, I intend to make the oil blend and perform the ritual for my children and my wife each night of the Holy Nights.
Some of you asked about where to get essential oils.
Dennis often makes his own, but my family uses Young Living Essential Oils for many things from cleaning to healing because they grow their own plants organically and harvest, distill, and test with intention that the pure oils are used for body and soul.
Of Dennis’ suggested oils, they offer yarrow and angelica, but they don’t make a mugwort or sagebrush essential oil.
You could also use one of their blends (White Angelica Blend or Harmony Blend would be good for this purpose) for a more economical option. Their blends are amazing! Details here: https://tinyurl.com/soulcourse3anointingoils
Sweet Blessings!
UPDATE: Some Soil, Soul and Spirit community members also shared the following oil resources:
Ben Klocek
Ben Klocek, web designer, teacher, and Sacramento Waldorf School alumni, has worked in tech for over 20 years and has been studying how our use of screen technology affects our lives. He teaches technology and woodworking in a Public Waldorf charter school. He is the father of two, ages 12 and 15, and is an avid naturalist, artist, and gardener.
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