This keynote address given in Madison Wisconsin at the National Biodynamic Conference began with an explanation of how numinous experience of the transcendent dimension of nature is transformed into an experience of the sacredness of nature through understanding. The idea was enlarged into a description of the difference between the ancient hunter religion and the…
Read MoreThis course is a survey of the esoteric principles that are the foundation of the Biodynamic practices. Starting with the geological features of pre-cambrian times the ascent of organisms is sketched as a depiction of what Rudolf Steiner has called the world / mineral / plant.
Read MoreIt has been said that by working the soil it is possible to do in a few years what would take nature thousands of years to accomplish. Intensive soil cultivation and the addition of proper soil amendments can aggregate sandy soil to give it more crumb or open heavy lime marls to give them more…
Read MoreThe use of stone towers in the ancient world went beyond the militaristic function of turrets on castles. In many cultures the stone tower was a kind of induction antenna for cosmic forces. Cosmic forces from the stars were generally held to be the source of fertility in the land. Towers or even upright stones…
Read MoreSilica is the light pole in the minerals. It is a kind of flowering process in the mineral realm since silica in plant growth enhances the refined properties that light brings to plants. Photosynthesis requires light for its action. The light interacts with the flavonoids (phenols and tannins) and anthocyanins (blue and red pigments that…
Read MoreIn the summer of 1993 an experiment was undertaken to see if the potentization of the gem amethyst would have an effect upon plant growth in the climatic niche of the central valley of California. The goal was to see if a variation of the 501 spray could be made which would provide a more…
Read MoreIn the life of a plant alcohols play an important role in the maturation and fruiting process. They also form the basis for the protective wax cuticle that keeps the plant free from insect and fungus attack. Plant wax in the form of the cuticle surrounding the surfaces of leaves and stems of plants also…
Read MoreThis article was presented as a lecture at the annual Biodynamic Conference at Sacramento in 1989. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That short sentence – the first sentence in the gospel of St. John – very accurately describes what we’ve been studying for…
Read MoreThis article addresses the gardeners out there who have a little time to engage in a practice that might seem like at total waste of time to a busy agriculturalist. Ever since I read an article in an old Bio-Dynamic magazine on the blood and milk method I have been trying to work out a…
Read MoreThe rising tide of life forces in Spring is linked in a unique way to lunar rhythms around the time of the equinox. This workshop addresses the critical patterns of early spring, highlighting optimum times for working with plants. It completes the work with the planting calendar through studying the elemental patterns of the moon during harvest season.
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