Nature Experience for Young People

Nature is a broad array of events. As a result, there are many kinds of nature experiences. It is useful to consider which “nature” we mean when we use the word.  Here are some thoughts about different experiences of nature and how they affect our relationship to it. Nature as wilderness This gives solace and…

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Soul Breathing

Soul breathing exercises are useful tools for transforming stuck belief structures in the soul. The first set (Spirit Biography) addresses issues in your past that have served to form beliefs in the present. These forces in your life constitute your spirit biography. They are impulses only dimly sensed by you but that form an energetic…

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Healing Meditations Workshop

This is a partial transcription of the workshop’s first lecture. To listen to the entire workshop, visit the lecture page. — For students of Dennis who have an interest in prayer, this partial transcription of his Healing Meditations workshop describes a form of hygienic prayer that Dennis taught as a ritual of healing. Unlike some…

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Working Out in the Soul Gym

Finding it difficult to lug your suitcase upstairs? Work out a few times a week at the gym and your suitcase soon begins to feel lighter! Likewise, going to the “soul gym” every day develops your capacity to remain peaceful amidst the pressures of life. Just as workouts at the “Y” build muscular strength and…

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The Alchemy of Capacitance

Dowsers have long been aware of the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life. Dowsing research has uncovered a great deal of documented proof that sleeping in a weak field or a current can be a major cause of debility which leads to illness. All currents are considered by dowsers…

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Staying Connected

I have been approached a number of times by students who say they feel the closeness of a departed friend or relative and ask, “Sometimes they seem so far away and sometimes they feel near. How can I maintain my relationship with this person? I know they haven’t just disappeared from existence. How can I…

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Remembering and Beholding

You are shopping in the grocery store and run across an old friend. You both start to talk about mutual friends and they mention old Ted what’s his name. You draw a blank, then say that his name wasn’t Ted but Fred. Your friend says you are right but that his name was neither Fred…

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