
The Light of Life in Plant & Gem

By Ben Klocek September 15, 2023
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Hi friends, I have some articles to share with you today.  As you may know, our Gem and Plant class is a deep dive into supporting plants in developing enhanced medicinal and culinary qualities. It’s been a very interesting journey. My favorite part is where Dennis described the weaving of light from the sun and other stars into…

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Holistic Science is Heart-led Science

By joe.couling July 27, 2023
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Hi friends, One of our big goals here at Soil, Soul and Spirit is to provide resources for learning about the world in a way that builds connections, ties things together, and allows you to “see the open secret” of the world, as Goethe put it. Dennis has shared many stories with me over the years…

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Healing Insights for the Earth & Humankind

By joe.couling May 12, 2023
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Hello friends of Soil, Soul and Spirit, I’m writing today to let you know of a few new things up at First is a new free lecture called Living earth : Living climate. Dennis helps us understand the earth as living being by relating climate to the human being through esoteric wisdom. Elemental dynamics drive all life, from the micro…

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Holy Week: An Alchemical Story

By Ben Klocek March 15, 2023
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Dear friends, As winter and spring tease with us with their comings and goings, we are passing through a sacred time for many spiritual people. In the Christian calendar, we are in Passiontide, leading toward Holy Week ending in Easter. For those raised in a Christian faith, much of these events and days may be second…

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Turning Living Nature Imagination Inward

By Ben Klocek January 25, 2023
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Thank you for your replies to this series on Goethe, phenomenology, and the etheric. I’m so pleased at the interest As I alluded to in my last email, it’s time to turn this way of seeing back on ourselves and peer at our own soul activity.  While Goethe refined this way of seeing into nature, Rudolf…

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Developing Living Picture Thinking

By Ben Klocek January 13, 2023
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As I wrote in my last post, Johann von Goethe developed a way of observing nature that relies on clearing your mind of preconceived notions of the phenomena being observed, accurately observing the subtle details, and building up a living inner picture of those details through time. He applied this way of seeing, also called…

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Introducing Living-nature Imagination

By Ben Klocek January 5, 2023
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If you are from Europe, there’s a good chance you know of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (“Gur-ta”) for his poetry and literary works. Here in the US, few people have heard of him. What most don’t know is that he was also a scientist and esotericist, one who studies the inner or secret mysteries. What…

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The Four Keys to Mystery Wisdom & Healing Through Ritual Anointing

By joe.couling December 10, 2022
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Editor’s note: This email was sent as part of the promotion for Soul Course Series Three: Soul and the World Hi friends, We just wrapped up the last part of Series Three: Soul and the World this week. The topic was Soul and Ceremony.  In our fact-based, information-rich world, the subtle inner world of soul can sometimes be dismissed…

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