Wednesday of Holy Week

In this session, I will combine Wednesday and Thursday. We will focus on work and prayer.  Work is in the lower right. That is the upward pointing triangle with the lightning bolts.  Prayer is in the Star of David on the trunk of the tree with the starry realm around it and the zodiac symbols…

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Tuesday of Holy Week

The theme is Tuesday of Holy Week.  Monday is the cursing of the fig tree.  Tuesday is when there is a kind of turning. Tuesday is Mars day.  Mars is aggression. There is a war of words that Christ was having with the Pharisees because he was out in the countryside preaching. He was cutting…

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Monday of Holy Week

This morning in the first session, we will focus on Monday of Holy Week, where there is the cursing of the fig tree. Gospel reading from Matthew 18:  “Early in the morning as Jesus was on his way back to the city, He grew hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, He went up…

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Introduction and Palm Sunday – Alchemy of Holy Week

[ED: This series is a transcription of the Alchemy of Holy Week workshop that Dennis gave in 2018 at Rudolf Steiner College in California. We have included the images in the text from the handouts, and added additional references and handouts where it enhanced the experience. If you wish to listen to the lectures, they…

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Metals as Cosmic Sense Organs

Metals are cosmic activities that have come down to live in physical bodies. They are only barely incarnated. Sense organs themselves are very incarnated but the activities of the sense organs are still living in the world of the becomings of things. For this reason, a good linkage can be made between the sense activities…

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Study Notes for Membrane Transport (For making your own liposomal sprays)

Liposomes can trap both hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances and unstable compounds (for example, antimicrobials, antioxidants, flavors and bioactive elements). Proteins creating transport channels across phospholipid membranes, mitochondrial and chloroplast inner membranes require more proteins for transport. (Egg yolks have proteins as well as lipids. Egg lecithin is useful for production of liposomes it produces more…

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The Book of Trials: On the Path to Seeing the Nature of Spirit

All those who seek to understand the world through the workings of spirit will meet the Guardian of the Threshold, who shows us our own true inner nature, the noble and the ignoble. To cross the threshold from the physical world into the spiritual as a practice of initiation, we are presented with trials through…

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